
Helicopter Cops Accidentally Turn on Speaker During Casual Blowjob Convo

Jay Hathaway · 06/23/15 02:00PM

For the crew of Air-1, the Winnipeg Police department’s helicopter, Monday night was spent like any other: flying around scenic Winnipeg, having a fun “convo about blowjobs,” maybe throwing in “some swears and some references to money,” and discussing what exactly is “too much body hair.” The only thing out of place was the audience; someone had accidentally turned on the helicopter’s public address system and the crew of Air-1 was live to the entire West End. And, according to Winnipeg residents on Twitter, some of the North End, too:

Nude Dude on Beach Uses Jail Time to Vibe Out and Do Some Chanting

Andy Cush · 06/11/15 12:59PM

I can’t find a picture of Paul Moran that I’m within my rights to post on this blog, so I’m going to tell you two things about him, and you’re going to imagine what he looks like. First, he was arrested recently for going fully nude at a place called “mushroom beach.” Second, when asked about it by a reporter, he answered, “I can’t let anyone kill my vibe.”

Is This Power Outage a Dick or What?

Ashley Feinberg · 06/08/15 06:18PM

Earlier today, Canadian power company BC Hydro tweeted out this image of a local power outage in Vancouver. A fully erect, tiny-testacled, throbbing, local power outage.