
Journalistic Perversity Continues

Pareene · 04/09/08 10:49AM

Canadian celebrity journalist Malcolm Gladwell got in a bit of trouble recently for telling an embellished story about sneaking a funny phrase into the Washington Post. Canadian less-famous journalist Clive Thompson recently received a minuscule amount of press for admitting that he's jealous of Gladwell. This, Clive, is not the healthiest way to work through those feelings: "These tools raise a fascinating, and queasy, new ethical question." [SilverJacket]

Booted Fox News Babe Re-Infiltrates Studio, Hearts Roger Ailes

Ryan Tate · 02/20/08 07:38AM

Fox News correspondent and alleged harasser Rachel Marsden was escorted from the News Corp. building last year after parting ways with late-night show Red Eye. But now she has been allowed back on the premises to distract terrified American homeowners into staring at her outfit instead of thinking about what she's actually saying, which is that the free market is about to foreclose on their homes. Marsden wrote in to say she did a Fox Business News segment Friday on subprime mortgages, and that it was in the building from which she had once been banned. Also? She loves everyone at Fox and they love her back. From the email:

Rachel Marsden Is So Over Fox News, Greg Gutfeld

Ryan Tate · 02/11/08 09:09PM

Ex-Fox News host Rachel Marsden wrote in to let everyone know she's totally moved on from her former "Red Eye" co-host Greg Gutfeld. You'll recall that Marsden was once accused of stalking and questions were raised over a rape allegation she made in the late 1990s. Last year she was escorted from Fox studios after what she described to us as "a format change in the show from 'politics and news' to 'tits and ass,' which fell outside my area of specialization." (As to the photo at left, Marseden has said on her website it was taken "just for fun" for a site called "Babes for Bush.") Marsden, also known as Canada's answer to Ann Coulter, has totally moved beyond all her Fox woes, she writes in two not-at-all-bitter emails to Gawker, reproduced after the jump.

11 More Canadians Who Control The Media

Pareene · 02/11/08 05:51PM

Thanks to New York's secretive and shadowy Canadian Cabal for their fast and servicy response to our story on how they control the media! Canadian media critic Rachel Sklar jumped into action, quickly posting her exhaustive list of all the Canadians she could think of. More than 70! Some of them are dead (Peter Jennings?), others of them not quite bigwigs (Rachel Marsden?), but we did forget some important ones. Like Dahlia Lithwick and Laurie Hibberd! Canadians are better even then Jews at knowing each and every member of their relentlessly polite tribe, but even Ms. Sklar leaves some unmentioned. Much thanks, then, to tipsters who supplied the following names:

The Canadian Media Mafia

Pareene · 02/11/08 01:31PM

A story in Canada's National Post about how Canadian journo Clive Thompson is secretly jealous of more famous Canadian author Malcom Gladwell made brief mention of "a Canadian mafia of print journos that exists in the Manhattan magazine world." There are more Canucks in the New York media world than you might imagine, and nearly all of them hold positions of terrifying power. Do you know your Canadian Mafia members? Join us on a trip through Manhattan's dirty underbelly with the Molson-guzzling old time hockey aficionados who secretly run the media.

Canadian Celebrity Gossip Is SO ADORABLE!!

Ryan Tate · 02/05/08 11:10PM

Did you know Canada finally has its own Perez Hilton? It does, and he's named Zack Taylor, which of course isn't his real name, just what passes for a fun pen name in Canada. Anyway, he's more attractive than Perez and, because he's stuck in Canada, probably works a lot harder to find posts for his And they're so cute! Examples, along with identity of the Cannuck at left, after the jump.

Viewers Stubbornly Refusing To Abandon Writerless Leno

mark · 01/11/08 03:20PM

· For at least their first three nights back on the air, the writerless Jay Leno has triumphed over WGA-sanctioned rival David Letterman in the Nielsen wars. In another sign that the TV apocalypse may finally be upon us, shows like Wife Swap, Supernanny, The Biggest Loser, and Celebrity Apprentice are so far either posting the same numbers as or outperforming the scripted shows they've replaced for their networks. [Variety]
· Walden Media deems High School Musical star/naughty nudie-photo-scandal victim Vanessa Hudgens still pure enough to employ, signing her on to their coming-of-age dramedy Will. [THR]

mark · 07/25/07 12:11PM

You know who's kind of psyched about Hollywood studios trying to stockpile product to prepare for a possible strike by the unions? Canadians! [THR]

Doree Shafrir · 06/06/07 10:09AM

Canadian sues Judd Apatow, claiming he ripped off her 2005 book, Knocked Up: Confessions of a Hip Mother to Be. [Radar]

Canadian Journalist Uncomfortable With How Closely Apatow Blockbuster Mirrors Own Knocking-Up

mark · 06/04/07 05:33PM

All too often in Hollywood, the price of success is finding oneself named on a lawsuit by an aggrieved individual who feels that his or her own hard work on a story about, say, the dehumanizing effects of suburban Christmas-lighting competitions or about the so-deep-undercover-we-don't-know-which-way-is-up adventures of whitefaced African-American FBI agents has been unfairly appropriated by a studio hellbent on enriching themselves with ill-gotten material. According to a CBC report, Knocked Up's Judd Apatow could soon find himself sued by a Canadian journalist who feels that her personal tale of an unplanned pregnancy (detailed in the book Knocked Up: Confessions of a Hip Mother-to-be—a match!) was too closely mimicked by Seth Rogen's wacky, yet human-condition-illuminating, insemination of Katherine Heigl:

Harper's Editor Only Plays With Boys, Says Girl

abalk2 · 02/26/07 03:20PM

Heather Mallick is a Canadian columnist-broad with an axe to grind against Roger Hodge, the new editor of Harper's. Heather's problem with Roger is that Harper's doesn't publish enough lady writers. (Their 2006 numbers: "118 male bylines, only 17 female"). Heather feels angry about this, and has also been upset by the way in which Hodge has responded to her complaints: "You don't read Harper's because of the sex or race or the regional background or ethnicity of the contributors." Fortunately for Heather, she can take some joy in the fact that the mag doesn't move a lot of copies.