
A List of Things to Send Obama for His Birthday

Jason Parham · 08/04/15 02:33PM

Barack Hussein Obama II is 54 years young today. You are probably wondering (aloud to a stranger on the street at this very moment): What should I send Obama for his birthday? I’m glad you asked.

Sarah Hedgecock · 06/02/14 03:10PM

Close to midnight on Sunday, people celebrate the formation of India's 29th state, Telangana, in Hyderabad, India. The state was officially created Monday, marking the formal division of the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. Image via Mahesh Kumar A./AP.

Happy 17th Birthday, Fox News

J.K. Trotter · 10/07/13 12:52PM

Roger Ailes’ cable news operation went live on October 7, 1996. 17 years and several wars later, Fox News remains as lively and accurate as ever. To celebrate, the channel bought a bunch of enormous Microsoft touch-screen computers.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/13 02:32PM

The day after Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was finally captured, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick "got 'quite drunk' alone in a restaurant."

International Clitoris Week Is Just Around the Corner

Adam Weinstein · 05/03/13 01:05PM

In a world that often seems like one big penis party, the clit is a many-splendored thing—and a marginalized one, too. This locus of female pleasure has more nerve endings than any other human body part, but it still doesn't enjoy the cultural currency of your average wang. Maybe Clitoris Week will change that.

Divorce Parties Are a Really Good Idea

Brian Moylan · 06/10/11 04:32PM

When aging musical jack-of-all-trades Jack White of the White Stripes and his model wife Karen Elson announced their divorce to friends, it wasn't with teary phone calls in the middle of the night, it was with an invitation. They're throwing a divorce party!

Happy Birthday, Rupert Murdoch!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/11 04:03PM

Do you know what today is, in addition to being a tragic day of global devastation? It's Rupert Murdoch's 80th birthday! No need to comment on any issues of karma. Born into a newspaper-owning family in Melbourne in 1931, Rupert parlayed a single small newspaper in Adelaide into a national—and then global—media powerhouse. Who among us can say we have not had our lives affected by Rupert and his properties? Every time you watch The Simpsons or Bill O'Reilly, read the Wall Street Journal or a London tabloid, or watch a rerun of Napoleon Dynamite, you are, in your own way, being touched by the News Corp empire. It's amazing and not a little bit scary.

The Incredible First News Footage from Liberated Benghazi, Libya

Max Read · 02/25/11 02:01AM

Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi offered his own theory about the causes of the revolution sweeping his country on Thursday: "They [al Qaeda] give them pills at night, they put hallucinatory pills in their drinks, their milk, their coffee, their Nescafe." Indeed. CNN foreign correspondent Ben Wedeman (whose Twitter account of the Arab-world democratic movements is fascinating) and crew were the first to enter the liberated city of Benghazi with a camera, and witnessed firsthand the effects of hallucinogenic Nescafe: Jubilation, singing, peace signs, and, at least once, chants of "CNN! CNN!" [video via CNN]

This Doesn't Taste Like Bamboo

Jeff Neumann · 08/23/10 05:50AM

[Funi the Panda bear turned four years old today in her new home at the Adelaide Zoo in Australia. Funi and cagemate Wang Wang are the only Giant Pandas living in the Southern Hemisphere. Image via Getty]