
How to Cover Michael Jackson When There's Nothing Left to Cover

Alexia Tsotsis · 06/30/09 03:18PM

Media everywhere are mourning the loss of MJ coverage this week as they regretfully turn back to boring things, like Iraq or Bernie Madoff. Here are today's headline highlights, as the web milks this Google trend for all it's worth.

Perez Hilton Is Scared And On The Lam

Foster Kamer · 06/27/09 12:00PM

Infamous gossip monger/dirtbag Perez Hilton has maybe had the worst week of his life. And it's beginning to show: Perez is blogging scared. Is this the end for him?

Gay-Rights Group Demands Perez Hilton Apology

Ryan Tate · 06/22/09 08:34PM

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation isn't buying Perez Hilton's line that he called Will.I.Am a gay slur to taunt the singer with his own intolerance. The organization wants an apology. And Hilton pretty much has to give one.

Ever Wonder What It's Like to Work for Bonnie Fuller?

Gabriel Snyder · 05/21/09 02:34PM

Working for Bonnie Fuller, who created the glossy gossip age at Us Weekly, was always a challenge. But since she was fired from her job at Star-publisher American Media last year, the only place she's had to aim her mercurial celebrity theories is her Twitter followers.