
Jon Stewart Goes on CNN, Compares CNN to a Murderous Living Doll

Jay Hathaway · 11/17/14 04:25PM

CNN host and frequent Daily Show guest Fareed Zakaria had Jon Stewart on GPS to talk about his new film, Rosewater, but couldn't resist cornering Stewart into admitting he watches CNN. A pyrrhic victory, considering what Stewart had to say about the network.

STV · 03/24/08 03:53PM

In case you thought there were too few 6-year-olds refining their perfect suplexes, piledrivers and generally beating the shit out of each other in the schoolyards of America, World Wrestling Entertainment has stepped up with a new program just for the little 'rassler in your life: WWE Kids, a magazine, Web site and eventual TV program finally bridging the gap between the sophisticated staged violence of adult WWE (with its males age 12-24 demographic) and the tender, smaller youth who need it dumbed down just a smidge for maximum enjoyment. "A large percentage of children in America get introduced to our brand from 6 to 10 years old," WWE marketing VP Geof Rochester told Variety. "We said, 'We have a strong kids audience; let's embrace that.' We want to have a lifelong relationship with these kids." Alas, with their mommies fitting them for costumes and hauling an unlucky minority off to the emergency room, "these kids" were unavailable for comment at press time. [Variety]