
New Jersey Man Has Big Idea for NYC: Bring Back Stop and Frisk

Jason Parham · 09/08/15 09:48AM

Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor who wants to be president of the United States but won’t, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday. When asked how he would manage New York City if he were mayor, Christie said “Stop and Frisk would be back in about five minutes.” Luckily for us, he is not mayor of New York City.

Bruce Springsteen Has Been Shitting on His Biggest Fan Chris Christie Since Time Immemorial

Andy Cush · 09/01/15 03:23PM

Like the narrator of the Bruce Springsteen classic “I’m Goin’ Down,” Chris Christie just can’t stop lovin’ somebody who doesn’t seem to love him back. Except in Christie’s case, it’s not the dying flame of an old relationship he wants, but the love of Bruce Springsteen himself. Recently unearthed emails show that the New Jersey governor’s adoration has gone unrequited since long before Bruce Springsteen or anyone else even knew who Chris Christie was.

The Debasing Race: Meet the Fox News GOP Debate Contestants

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/15 03:00PM

It’s time. Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ten drunk clowns are going to fight with each other on national television for the chance to make wildly important decisions that affect each and every one of our livelihoods. It is going to be a god damn masterpiece.

Chris Christie Thinks Your Government Spying Fears Are "Baloney"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/18/15 03:20PM

New Jersey Governor and snack gourmand Chris Christie stopped by the key primary state of New Hampshire today. At which point, Christie called for a major boost in military funding. But don’t fret over what this means for NSA snooping, because according to the bridge bandit himself, “All these fears are baloney.”

Health Hypocrite Chris Christie Panders to Anti-Vaccination Idiots

Sam Biddle · 02/02/15 10:10AM

New Jersey governor Chris Christie hasn't yet announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. But why wait for an official candidacy to start pandering to the country's dumbest elements? Today, just months after trying to imprison an an ebola-exposed nurse, Christie came out against mandatory vaccinations.