
How Christina Kelly Changed Jane Pratt's Life

Emily · 04/04/07 03:10PM

You "love book reviews—sorry I cut down on them for a while; they're now back in full force," declared Jane editor Brandon Holley her April editor's letter. Conspicuously missing from the newly replumped book section, though, was a review of a book that seems like a natural fit for Jane's audience: How Sassy Changed My Life. That's Kara Jesella and Marisa Meltzer's "love letter" to the magazine that kicked off the careers of thousands of women's studies majors turned women's mag editorial assistants—and the career of one Jane Pratt, who served as the seminal teen mag's editor in chief at the tender age of 24. Nary a peep about this book in a magazine that still has Pratt's name on the masthead as "founding editor?"

Christina Kelly to Replace Brandon Holley at 'ELLEgirl'

Jesse · 08/10/05 10:23AM

Well, that was quick. Brandon Holley says Monday she's leaving ELLEgirl for Jane, and, just two days later, ELLEgirl has a new EIC. Christina Kelly, currently the mag's executive editor, will get the corner office, effective immediately.