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Now that former queen bee Brandon Holley has has left the building in favor of the misnomered throne at Jane magazine, new EIC Christina Kelly and the cutie pies at ELLEgirl are giving their magazine a little face lift:

Former beauty market editor Anais Lombard was promoted to beauty editor, working under Schulte-Hillen.

Former editorial assistant Joanna Douglas was promoted to staff writer.

Melissa Walker, currently a senior editor, will also receive a title change, but we're waiting to hear from today's edit meeting to figure out what it is.

And, warranting the most fanfare is Erin Meanley, who now dons the title of assistant editor after slaving away as the assistant to EIC Brandon Holley.

Next month, check out their ten tricks to boost morale through masthead movement and fall eyeshadow special!

ELLEgirl's Masthead Adolescence [Jossip]