
Anti-Smoking Pictures Are Too Much Says Judge

Richard Lawson · 12/30/10 10:44AM

A federal judge has ruled that New York's gruesome anti-smoking ads — featuring rotted teeth and organs — can't be forced into stores, siding with three tobacco companies who filed a lawsuit against the NY Board of Health. Smoke away!

Cartoons are Just Like Us: Goofy Can't Quit Smoking Either

Anderson Evans · 12/11/10 10:30AM

In this 1951 Disney cartoon, the fifties-everyman version of Goofy sets about on a quest to stop smoking cigarettes, but it's not so simple. Enough time without his smokes leaves the Goof begging for anything to puff on, including weed!

A Vintage Flintstones Cigarette Commercial from 1962

Chrystina Orlando · 11/28/10 12:00PM

Ah, good ol' days of television! Remember when cartoon characters were fine examples and wholesome do-gooders... who also loved their tobacco? Watch the clip for the legitimate Flintstones Winston cigarette ad.

Indonesian Cigarette Company Heroically Rescues Volcano Victims

Jeff Neumann · 11/06/10 09:02AM

Cigarette companies in Indonesia have a captive audience near Mount Merapi. Employees from Sampoerna, one of Indonesia's largest tobacco companies, are helping out volcano victims while also taking advantage of a great marketing opportunity: wearing logo-emblazoned gear and saving people!

Lone Rich Guy Starts Airline E-Cigarette Trend

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/10 01:25PM

USA Today has identified what could be the next big thing in air travel: allowing onboard "E-cigarettes," so smokers can puff away naturally on their chemical-filled plastic tubes without disturbing their fellow passengers. How'd this soon-to-be-everywhere trend get started?

Charlie the Smoking Chimpanzee Dies at 52

Max Read · 10/07/10 02:47AM

Charlie, a South African chimpanzee famous for smoking cigarettes while being an ape, has died at age 52, having lived ten years longer than the average chimp despite his tobacco habit. That doesn't mean smoking is good for you, however.

Smoking Baby Has Kicked the Habit

Richard Lawson · 09/02/10 09:23AM

For now. Indonesia's world-famous cigarette-smoking two-year-old has quit cigs after undergoing therapy. Though there is concern that he will pick up the habit again once he returns home and the everyday stress of baby life wears at him once more.