
Indulge Your Vices While You Still Can

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/10 02:42PM

Many of you are probably asking yourselves: How will I make money in our jobless, dystopian future, in which the "normal" economy is dead? The answer: gambling, drugs, and cigarettes. Everything old is new again! For now.

Smoking and Obesity Battle For American Death Championship

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/10 12:25PM

First, there was the War on Smoking. That got boring. Now, there's the War on Obesity. And everyone is forgetting about smoking altogether! Well, what do you expect, when the obese are out of control?

Every Cigarette Smoked in Mad Men

Whitney Jefferson · 07/26/10 04:18PM

This video of every single cigarette smoked on the Mad Men series—literally—will either have you totally revolted or itching for a fix. Either way, these ad men sure go through a lot of smokes!

A Fond Farewell to Candy Cigarettes (Update: Not Really!)

Maureen O'Connor · 06/23/10 04:39PM

Today is the first day of an America without candy cigarettes. Banned by a smoking prevention law prohibiting candy and "fruit-flavored" cigarettes, the badass big brother of the Pez dispenser is officially contraband. Update: Wait! Candy cigarettes can stay!

Police Ain't Gonna Tell You How to Raise Your Baby

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 04:02PM

You know the thing where parents force their kid to smoke a cigarette, to teach them that smoking's nasty? You get arrested for that now. Although to be fair, five is maybe too young. Also the mom had weed. [AP]

Smoking: Good for You, Except for Your Lungs

Max Read · 05/09/10 07:42PM

Smoking cigarettes may improve your memory, fine motor skills, alertness, and, obviously, looking-cool-ness. They will also give you cancer and make all your food taste like charcoal briquettes. But, again: You will improve your memory, and look totally cool. [Discovery]

Not Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Job

Richard Lawson · 05/06/10 05:12PM

You know those people in your office who are always ducking out for cigarettes in groups? They're just shooting the shit, right? Talking about inconsequential things? Wrong. They're actually advancing their careers, while you sit inside working like a chump.

Nicorette Ad Reminds Us: Cigarettes Are Cool

Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/10 04:53PM

Nicorette would like you to believe that sucking on a hollow white plastic tube containing micronized nicotine is a socially acceptable approximation of burning a square. So they made this commercial to show you: no it's not. [Adfreak]