
Digg proves masses are stupid with "Falling Hillary" game

Jordan Golson · 03/03/08 01:20PM

I like Digg: sometimes I find good links there. However, the people who claim that "social masses are the future of news" are barking up the wrong planet. The masses are stupid. A flash game with an animated Hillary Clinton falling through bubbles got more than 4,000 diggs yesterday. Now, that's nothing compared to a slobbering dog, but it received more votes than most stories on Digg did yesterday. Social news sites reflect the true interests of their readers, and that rarely maps to what's on the front page of the New York Times. Strangely though, the falling Hillary mesmerized me for more than 10 minutes. I guess I'm stupid, too. Catch a video of the companion site, a falling George Bush, after the jump.

Another Weird Jackson

Seth Abramovitch · 02/29/08 08:58PM

· Much like her brother Michael, we have a hard time really buying the whole girlish falsetto of Janet Jackson's voice. It's as if she's just waiting for a commercial break to unleash that Howard Stern-esque basso profundo of hers. [Ellen]
· Ellen Page pulls out of Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell, reportedly because "she didn't like the latest draft of the script." Which strikes us as just the sort of excuse someone who'd bring their lesbian power publicist as their date to the Oscars would give, doesn't it? []
· We must hand it to that Tilda Swinton: She's a pistol. She's already converted her Oscar into a hash pipe. So handy! [Popbytes]
· Now you're all Archuleta, Archuleta, Archuleta, as if Sanjaya never even existed. Well what if we sweetened the Malakar by offering you a shot of the Ponyhawked One...shirtless? We thought so. Enjoy. []
· Next time you have company over, serve them a nice glass of wine in a bacon cup! They can even eat it once they're done drinking. [Not Martha via WOW]

Mariah Carey and Kenneth The Page: Hottest New Unicorn-Wrangling Couple

Molly Friedman · 02/29/08 07:58PM

Okay, we have officially forgiven Mariah Carey for Glitter, for two reasons. 1) She's such a hardcore 30 Rock fan that she asked Kenneth the Page to co-star in her new music video, and 2) Mimz is lookin' fine these days. Possibly the best she's ever looked. In this video for her new single, "Touch My Body," Kenneth (aka Jack McBrayer) plays a "compunerd" who shows up at Mariah's manse to fix technical issues with her 'puter, but winds up romping around wearing a Middle Ages fighting crown in her fluffy bed playing pillow fight. Our favorite moment? Kenneth's dead-on impression of Mariah's legendary falsetto singing skills in the first 30 seconds. Well that, and the sight of him walking an actual unicorn down a dark alley while wearing a regal robe. Well that, and and a mod scene in which Mimz and Kenny faux-shoot each other with guns. On second thought, scratch all that; every moment is classic.

'Hell To The No!' Says 'Idol' Oustee Asked To Reprise Her Failure Anthem

Seth Abramovitch · 02/29/08 06:27PM

On last night's American Idol results show, two of this year's nine virtually identical blondes—cloned at Fremantle Laboratories off a Season One contestant who's been kept in a veal stall and fed on a diet of protein-boosted Jamba Juice and easy-listening favorites—were at risk of elimination. Only one was cut however, and that was (checking the website again just to be certain) Alaina Whitaker.

Kat Porn

Pareene · 02/29/08 05:05PM

The second animated installment of Jim Behrle's epic, award-winning Kreepie Kats Saga has arrived. Enjoy sticker-on-sticker love and a special birthday tribute to Kreepiest Kat of all, below.

Hold The Phone: Nicole Richie Can Sing?

Molly Friedman · 02/29/08 04:06PM

Casting a star in a Broadway production tends to either bomb disastrously (Julia Roberts in Three Days of Rain, anyone?) or succeed spectacularly (Fantasia in The Color Purple, who killed). So when we heard the news that Nicole Richie is up for the role as Roxie in the long-running Chicago, we got nervous. Sure, she'll bring in the tweens, but can the girl actually sing? We did some investigating on that "debut album" Richie promised her public way back in 2005, and found a scratchy YouTube video featuring one single called "Dandelion" that may or may not have been planned for release. And we're no Simon Cowell, but we predict she'll breeze through "Funny Honey" much more smoothly than cringey-voiced Renee Zellweger did in the Oscar-winning flick. Judge for yourselves after the jump.

Hillary Clinton Will Answer the Nation's Phone, For the Children

Pareene · 02/29/08 03:37PM

It's 3 a.m. and a telephone is ringing—do you know where your kids are? They are in bed! But who will answer their phone? It is terror calling, and when terror calls, who do you want to answer? You want MOM, that's who! That is basically all we can decipher from this awesome and totally 100% real Hillary Clinton campaign ad, about what to do when the world is calling from inside the house. Watch it yourself and cower in fear of a world in which HOPE LETS TERROR GO TO VOICEMAIL, after the jump.

Amy Adams And David Letterman To Dim Bulb Lisa Rinna: You Should 'Be Fired'

Molly Friedman · 02/29/08 02:04PM

On last night's Late Show, guest Amy Adams and David Letterman decided to review one of poufy-lipped red carpet host Lisa Rinna's numerous gaffes on Oscar night. And after seeing this particular stomach-turning foul for the third time, we're gonna have to agree with Letterman and Adams, who essentially came to the conclusion that the soap star turned Joan Rivers 2.0 "should be fired." The best part? Even Rinna agrees!

Tyra Grills Roly-Poly GOP Also-Ran

Pareene · 02/29/08 01:51PM

Mike Huckabee, who is still going around pretending to run for President, who also used to be fat, got skinny, and is now getting fat again, and who is also a crazy religious nut who hides his paleolithic views behind a delightful sense of self-deprecating humor and convincing charm, was on Tyra today. Because Tyra is America's Official Ambassador To the Gays, and because she's not afraid of the tough questions, she asked him to explain his position on the Homosexual Agenda. Huckabee responded with impressive candor while saying absolutely nothing (except that homosexuality is a choice and a sin). Maybe this is why Tim Gunn was sad! (Also we kind of want Tyra to moderate the next presidential debate! She's... more reasonable and serious than Tim Russert, and asks more pertinent questions. What a country!) Video below. Also: most important photograph ever, attached.

Paparazzi-Sympathizer Britney Spears Forced To Discipline Out-Of-Control Bodyguard

Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 09:05PM

Thrilled that the Starbucks three-hour company-wide training retreat has made her favored Venti Frappuccinos frothier and more whipped-cream-topped than ever before, Britney Spears headed back to her favorite coffee-beverage emporium for a pick-me-up on this unseasonably warm L.A. afternoon. There, she greeted the increasingly emboldened 600-700 person paparazzo army gathered outside her car with a secret weapon: a new security guard, three-parts Farleyesque motivational speaker to one-part American Gladiator. Unfortunately, the overzealous security detail's photographer-tossing techniques and bellowing voice didn't do the singer's hangover any favors, and she was forced to point out for her employee, "You're screaming in my ear. Will you shut the fuck up?" to the wildly appreciative cheers and jeers of the gathered mob.

Gary Busey's Crazy Train Keeps On Chugging

Mark Graham · 02/28/08 08:18PM

By now, you've likely seen the viral video in which the suddenly omnipresent Gary Busey castigates a child reporter on the red carpet for failing to speak loudly enough to penetrate the hardened layer of ear wax that he has built up over the years. But what you probably haven't seen is the response of said child reporter Gracie Stagg, who is milking the moment for all it's worth, just like a miniature Martin Bashir.

Idol's Rocker Nurse Mutilates A '70s Classic

Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 06:30PM

We should probably preface this by saying that we have nothing against Joplinian (Janis, not Scott) American Idol contestant Amanda Overmeyer. For starters, she's like this bull-dykey, hog-riding, hard-rocking nurse. That's kind of awesome. When she was told she made it to the final 24, she did not dissolve into a weepy puddle of gratitude. Her "thing America doesn't know about me" is that she enjoys the activity of reading (i.e., not communicating with the other mongoloid contestants). And she chose a freaking Kansas song for last night's top ten girls' competition. Watching this performance, however, we couldn't help thinking that Overmeyer was one of those Angel of Death nurses, the song was the patient, and her interpretation was the fatal amount of morphine slipped surreptitiously into an I.V. when no one is looking. R.I.P., "Carry On Wayward Son."

Their Contract Now Official, WGA And AMPTP Reps Are Free To Engage In Shameless PDAs

Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 04:53PM

We must say, when we envisioned a scenario in which AMPTP president and chief negotiator Nick Counter took WGAw president Patric Verrone into his strong yet tender embrace on the balcony of the famed Warner Bros. water tower, and kissed his striketime adversary truly, madly, deeply on the lips to the exuberant cheers of thousands of working writers and execs below, it was pure fantasy.

Arianna Huffington: Nazi

Pareene · 02/28/08 03:25PM

Bill O'Reilly finally asks the question we've all been thinking: "What's the difference between the KKK and Arianna Huffington? What's the difference?" He's right! Arianna has her name attached to a website that allows anonymous commenters to write mean things about Nancy Reagan—how, exactly, is that any different from killing Medgar Evers? Exactly. [Crooks & Liars]

Anderson Cooper "Inching Out" of Closet

Pareene · 02/28/08 01:54PM

Attached, the intro to a recent story on Anderson Cooper 360 about the hate-motivated murder of an openly gay teenager. You may also recall that last month, Cooper was nominated for an award from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for a story he did on the plight of homeless gay teens. The difficulties and discrimination faced by gay youths is clearly a subject that Cooper feels strongly about, and his dedication to fighting it is to be admired (and not, as we maybe occasionally are guilty of, mocked). So some might ask why Cooper himself still isn't public about his own sexual orientation, which might lead to him becoming a role model to the millions of young people struggling with discrimination who don't read Gawker. But Cooper might be on his way out of the closet! Sort of!

Heath Ledger's Nick Drake Video Hits The Web (Warning: Depressing)

Seth Abramovitch · 02/28/08 12:20PM

One of the last things Heath Ledger left us with is a video for Nick Drake's "Black Eyed Dog." An admitted obsession of the actor, Drake was a British folk music prodigy in the '70s who suffered from debilitating depression, eventually on an antidepressant at age 26. Until now, the video managed to avoid getting leaked on the web, and was screened only twice: "Labor Day weekend at the Bumbershoot festival in Seattle and a second time in October at 'A Place to Be,' an event honoring Drake held in L.A." Last night, Australian A Current Affair broadcast parts of the video.