
Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers Put the Smack-Down on AIG

ian spiegelman · 10/11/08 02:39PM

Okay, this is about a day late, but what the hell, it's still funny. On Thursday, Saturday Night Live aired a special 30-minute midweek episode. Why? I dunno. But the highlight was Thursday's version of Weekend Update, in which anchors Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers discuss AIG's gala executive retreat in another installment of "Really?!" Clip after the jump. Click to view

Make History

STV · 10/10/08 08:15PM

· We reviewed the landmark faces of SNL past, present and (hopefully not) future. · Indiana Jones was raped. For real this time. · Nick Nolte's Malibu manse burned to the ground; the actor survived, but Carboard Jesus wasn't so lucky. · Where would you rather work: The agency with the gas pump, or the one where you'll be a second assistant's third assistant? Choose carefully. · In case you haven't yet noticed, the travails of Elisabeth Hasselbeck make for great TV. Really, really great TV. · If the fight over The Reader were a cutthroat sandlot game, Scott Rudin just took his ball and went home. · Though Hugh Hefner was busted up for a while when Holly Madison rolled out of his round bed for good, he found a couple reasons to get over it. · The No on 8 campaign rallied support from Julia Louis-Dreyfus, T.R. Knight and our own beloved Molly McAleer. That's so... never mind. · Which recently upped TV exec got his start as a gay porn star? Give up? · Hollywood isn't as recession-proof as it might think it is, but $54 million man Johnny Depp might get through it all right. · Josh Brolin announced he will wear his low-voltage Taser-awareness ribbon to next year's Oscars. · Setting aside her perfectly dreadful new song, Britney Spears's comeback is almost complete! · Hey, look! We're on TV! · Beverly Hills Chihuahua's yappy first weekend kept its conspiracy-minded conservative neighbors up all night Sunday plotting their payback. · Bond girl. 12 fingers. That is all.

A Visit To The Hot Dog Factory!

Seth Abramovitch · 10/10/08 08:01PM

· We miss Wonder Showzen: "Raining meat. Just like my nightmares." · Cloris Leachman's amazing year caps off with her appointment as Grand Marshal of the next Rose Parade. That's the power of Cloris 2! · Austin Powers's deadly henchman Random Task has been booked in connection with a 1990 gang rape. The things he can do with that metal hat! · Mr. and Miss J are getting a Top Model spinoff on The CW called Operation Fabulous, which you'll stay home to watch instead of trying out for the football team, crushing your father's dreams in the process. · Strictly for the life-free: The Britney Spears "Womanizer" video will premiere at the end of 20/20 tonight. They're pushing it really hard. Hugh Downs must be rolling in his grave. (He's still alive? Oops.) · Akinator is a genie that can guess any famous character you're thinking of, real or fictional, by asking you 20 questions. First we thought of Spock, and it got it. Then we tried to stump it with Anne of Green Gables. AND IT GOT IT.

What's Your Depression Playlist?

ian spiegelman · 10/10/08 06:15PM

A tipster wonders what music Gawker readers are turning to now that our economic world has drawn to a close. So let's have it. What are your top music choices for enduring this thing? Oh, and the image at left? Just getting you primed for the only tried and true method of solving global collapse—a world fucking war, people! C'mon, it won't be that bad! Russia will fight itself. Who cares about Middle East? And China's space program is garbage, so their missiles probably won't get anywhere near us. Plus, their Air Force has nothing that can stay in the air against our F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. So we'll be fine! In the meantime, what music are you listening to? My picks after the jump.

David Letterman on the 'Squirrelly' John McCain: 'I Don't Trust Him'

Kyle Buchanan · 10/10/08 05:50PM

As we watched David Letterman tear into John McCain with renewed vigor during last night's Late Show monologue, we couldn't help but think that this might make the rumored negotiations for McCain's reappearance a little awkward. Turns out, scheduling stipulations between the two camps had already turned contentious, as Letterman revealed when he sat down at his desk. Still, McCain's loss is Letterman's gain, because the talk show host gleefully continued to demolish McCain using some of his slyest, most cutting language yet.At this point, should McCain cut his losses and abandon renegotiations with Letterman, knowing full well he's likely to be slammed to his face if he finally put in his guest appearance? Or does he have no choice but to stop the Late Night bleeding by any means necessary? Ladies and gentlemen, the McCain/Letterman War of '08 has officially resumed after collapsed talks. Stock up on your munitions now.

Blue Angels save San Francisco from sucky workday

Paul Boutin · 10/10/08 04:40PM

Stock market be damned, it's Fleet Week. While Owen grumbles about the racket overhead that drowns out his phone calls, I'm up on the roof screaming Yeeeeeeeeeah baby YES WE CAN!! The Angels are doing practice runs for this weekend's performances, Saturday and Sunday from 3-4 pm. I feel kind of sorry for the guy flying the little red Oracle biplane. Larry Ellison clearly needs an F-18. Four of them.

How Lessig made the GOP's hit list

Paul Boutin · 10/10/08 03:40PM

A couple of friends want me to blog about how Larry Lessig has been added to the evil friends of Barack Obama at the anti-Obama parody site BarackBook. Why oh why, they ask? RTFM! The one live link on the BarackBook page explains it all: It's not Lessig's hard-to-follow opinions on copyright that honked off the right-wingers. It's this video he's shown at talks, in which a campy Jesus character gets hit by a bus. One man's Monty Python is another man's blasphemy. I wonder if the Professor would dare show a remix where, oh, let's make it Joe Biden gets run over instead. I know people who would love that.

Betty White On Sarah Palin: 'That Is One Crazy Bitch!'

Seth Abramovitch · 10/10/08 02:16PM

Are we sick of Sarah Palin jokes yet? Yes—yes we do believe we are, yet not since Brokeback Mountain has a single cultural phenomenon offered comedy writers (and ankle-shackled galley bloggers) such a bounty of low-hanging fruit.And—much like the gay-cowboy motif into its third month of YouTube mashups—just when you think you've snorted out your last nose-chuckle at the congenial flautist's antics, along comes one more to tickle your funny places. We offer as evidence the recent (OK, fine, it ran a week ago, but we're having trouble staying up past 9 p.m. lately) appearance of Betty White on Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, in which she affected the guise of a speech writer for superannuated candidate John McCain. The money shot, of course, is her succinct assessment of his running mate—"That is one crazy bitch!"—before segueing into a lip-smacking meditation on the Democratic challenger that almost makes us wonder if the former Golden Girl hasn't been lingering in the far corners of Craigslist lately.

20 Movies About the First Great Depression To Watch During the Sequel

Richard Lawson · 10/10/08 11:56AM

As we mentioned earlier, it's all too possible that another depression might be upon us. So how are to act, what are we to feel, what songs are we to sing? To find some answers, we dove into YouTube and (with some help from Metafilter) found 20 clips from 20 films about the Great Depression of the 1930's. They just might provide valuable insights into what the future holds. Watch and learn after the jump. It's a Wonderful Life A suicidal man named George Bailey is given a second chance at life after an angel shows him the good deeds of his past, including keeping people calm during a pre-Depression bank run.

Back From The Brink, Britney Wonders 'What The Hell Was I Thinking?'

Seth Abramovitch · 10/10/08 11:46AM

We're not sure what precise incident Britney Spears would finger in identifying her definitive "rock-bottom moment"—there were just so many, they probably all blurred into a single, scarring memory of her bald, pantieless self attacking a hunky music video extra in a hot tub with an umbrella surrounded by a horrified VMAs audience as her swarthy paparazzo lover videotaped the erotic trainwreck from a safe distance. But we're happy to now report that there's good news. No—great news:With the exception of a lingering headache involving an invalid driver's license, the singer's Troubled Past™ is quickly receding, like two children accidentally abandoned at a Malibu rest stop in the rear-view mirror of a convertible Mini Cooper. Last November came the release of her shockingly well-written, well-produced, and well-performed album "Blackout"—a career-topper that, sadly, the singer could barely be bothered to throw her support behind, eventually requiring the use of a complex lever-and-pulley system just to the recreate the illusion of pole-dancing in its debut video. What a difference a year makes, then, as a VMAs-triumphant Spears is putting the final touches on her new album, "Circus," looking better than she has in several comebacks. MTV has a 90-minute documentary set to air on the eve of the "Circus" release—punnily titled For the Record. In the preview clip above, a seemingly compos mentis Spears asks the question we've been longing to hear: "I'm a smart person, what the hell was I thinking?" We think it's a rhetorical question, but we'd be happy to offer our best guesses: Barefoot in a roadside public restroom: "Oh, whatever, it's not like I'm going to be in there more than a few minutes." Driving with an infant in her lap: "And this button sprays wiper fluid! Wheeee!" Shaving her head: "But I do know Mandinka." The crotch shots: "Bam! Say hello to Bergina Spears!" The VMAs 2007 performance: "Hang in there, girl, it's almost over. Just do what the girl next to me is doing. Wait—that's a mirror." Dating Adnan Ghalib: Sorry, we have no fucking clue.

Kenley Collins: 'Runway' Villainess Ascendant

Seth Abramovitch · 10/09/08 07:15PM

Well, despite ourselves, we still managed getting sucked into another season of Project Runway, if only a little late in the game. (What ever happened to that methlicious guy? He was a hoot!) And as any Runway addict can tell you, a great season always includes a great villain:The raptor-like Wendy Pepper, the Rasputinish Santino Rice, the...disturbingly benecked Jeffrey Sebelia. But this was far from a great season of Runway, and it accordingly has the flimsy baddie it deserved: Kenley Collins. 25. Pompano Beach, Fl. Obsessed with the '50s. Voice like a leafblower. You know the one. Still, the lightly sociopathic dressmaker managed to make it to the final three, and for that we salute her. Enjoy this journey through the other various looks she's adopted throughout her life-journey, as she flips through family photos eulogizing a recently passed grandmother. [Project Runway]

WSJ reporter parties in Cyprus with people she covers

Owen Thomas · 10/09/08 05:00PM

You can never escape the media! Valleywag's favorite hot-tech-company couple, Facebooker Dave Morin and Googler Brittany Bohnet, weren't vacationing in Cyprus alone. A whole group, "Campcyprus," attended the get-together in the Mediterranean island's Turkish-controlled sector. And who was in the in crowd? Wall Street Journal reporter Jessica Vascellaro, who covers Facebook and Google, and her startup-founder boyfriend, CEO Sam Lessin, the son of ultrawealthy investment banker Bob Lessin. Sam, who's normally obsessed with privacy, posted this photo of the couple. So cute!And now I know why I got an out-of-office message from her when I complained about her nicking not one but two of my recent stories on Facebook for a Journal article! But I would have been more impressed with Vascellaro's honesty if she had said that she was going to Cyprus with "sources" rather than, as she Twittered, "buddies." Catch Vascellaro's cameo in Bohnet's latest video: Cyprus Lip Dub - Don't Stop Believing from Brittany Bohnet on Vimeo. (Photo by Sam Lessin)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Will Bet Her 'Blond Highlights' That Obama's a Crook

Kyle Buchanan · 10/09/08 02:24PM

After a remarkably sedate, breast cancer-themed episode of The View yesterday, the political fur flew once again this morning as Elisabeth Hasselbeck continued to press the last line of Republican defense: Barack Obama's tenuous tie to William Ayers. This time, Joy Behar (over the protests of a sneezing Whoopi Goldberg) tried to raise the issue of Sarah Palin's ties to an Alaska secessionist group, but Elisabeth would not be deterred — and she had a glossy trump card yet to play.

'Too Late' For McCain To Win?

Ryan Tate · 10/09/08 03:09AM

So how the hell does John McCain pull this one out of the bag? Even the conservative commentators think the national economic crash has doomed him. Bill O'Reilly said Tuesday the Republican presidential nominee needed to do well at the debate or "say goodbye," and he didn't do well at all. Now comes Joe Scarborough on last night's Colbert Report saying "it's too late" for McCain because he can't win on tax cuts or a sexy VP or terrorist fearmongering or just general demagoguery when voters are scared of starving in the streets.

Valley's cutest couple ever creates cutest video ever

Owen Thomas · 10/08/08 09:00PM

Click to viewHoly frack. Is there any couple more adorable than Facebook platform director Dave Morin and his lady love, evangelicious Google Maps marketer Brittany Bohnet? Their employers may be rivals for developers' affections, but this lip-sync video of "All My Life," created on a road-trip through Cyprus, has no competition for the remaining drips of sentiment in my sappy little heart. Will you two crazy kids quit your dead-end jobs and start a company devoted to, I don't know, being the winsomest thing in the world? I'd invest in preferred shares of teary-cheeked admiration, at a valuation of 15 billion awwwws.

All Of Britain Horrified By Freak Cactus Baby Birth

Seth Abramovitch · 10/08/08 08:15PM

· The UK's Advertising Standards Authority has banned a series of ads, based loosely on True Romance Badlands, about a teenage girl who runs off with a renegade cactus man. Eventually, she gives birth to his prickly baby (see above). In case you're wondering, it's selling Oasis, a Coca Cola-brand fruit drink. · An Oscar first: The telecast will allow film ads to run this year, meaning Eddie Murphy can still be a part of the festivities—in some tangential, 30-paid-seconds-to-plug-BHC4 way! · Don't you worry about Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis is doing just fine. · Rumors of 60th anniversary $.25 In-N-Out burgers are greatly exaggerated. Sad face. (Not that we would have stood in line for them anyway.) · A-Ha's "Take On Me" video makes so much more sense to us now!

Anti-'That's So Gay' Campaign Sparks Fears P.C. Forces Will Target 'That's So Raven' Next

Seth Abramovitch · 10/08/08 07:40PM

A new campaign launched today by the Advertising Council and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network seeks to educate American youth about the power of words to hurt—particularly when those words are: "That's," followed by "so gay." Joining them in their crusade is the extremely so-gay Wanda Sykes, and the not-so-gay-but-so- gay-worshipped Hilary Duff. They star in two PSAs (both after the jump) in which they casually saunter up to some pricky teenagers, and point out that calling something gay—when they don't mean it in the "fabulous" or "matter-of-factly enjoys engaging in sex with someone possessing similar genitalia" senses of the word—is just plain wrong. Its heart is in the right place, but we think the campaign would have been more successful had it suggested a less-destructive replacement expression, like—oh, we don't know—"That's so Seacresty," or "That's so Track."

Google AdSense for Games demo

Paul Boutin · 10/08/08 12:40PM

Ads inserted into the middle of videogames, what a stupid idea. Oh wait, they're from Google, what a brilliant idea! I can't tell if this is Google hubris over its ability to sell ads anywhere, or some engineer's 20 percent time project that seemed worth a shot. Lucky for us, Google has provided a video demo of exactly what they're trying to sell. The ads kick in at 0:57.

Mark Wahlberg Talks To Pharmacists About Cough Syrup

Seth Abramovitch · 10/08/08 11:52AM

Deep gratitude to Videogum for guiding us to this scene from The Happening—M. Night Shyamalan's surprisingly lucrative eco-thriller, originally pitched to skeptical studio execs as, "A lot like the The Birds, but instead it's The Trees. Well, there's birds in the trees, but they aren't scary. I dunno, maybe they're already dead. Hello? Are you still with me? What are you scribbling on that notepad? Do you want this or not, because there's plenty of studios who do."The Happs got its DVD release yesterday, bringing us to the above Mark Wahlberg/Zooey Deschanel exchange. For those left confounded by Andy Samberg's brilliant Wahlberg impression on SNL last week, we encourage you to watch both, then imagine Manoj's crackling dialogue replaced with: "Hey pharmacist, how's it going? I like your lab coat and name tag, that looks really great. So you're a pharmacist, right? What's that all about? Where's the cough syrup? OK, well it was great to meet you. Say hi to your mother for me, OK?"

Neel Kashkari reveals a coder's plan to save the world

Owen Thomas · 10/08/08 11:00AM

I had such high hopes for Neel Kashkari, the wonky rocket scientist turned investment banker turned Treasury official who's now in charge of spending the $700 billion blank check taxpayers just wrote to Wall Street. But in watching a speech Kashkari delivered, as a mere senior policy advisor, last month at the American Enterprise Institute, I'm less encouraged. He's a bit too much of a classic geek. Watch the clip to see why: