
Triple threat Craig Newmark auditions for role as "Obama Boy"

Jackson West · 06/30/08 04:00PM

At the Personal Democracy Forum last week, Barely Political sent correspondent Amber Lee "Obama Girl" Ettinger to ask attendees what they though about technology's role in politics or something. Hobbyist pundit Craig Newmark, however, took the opportunity to show off some of his dance moves in a self-deprecating but probably less than insincere attempt to be Obama Boy. Newmark, however, will have to get in line — Obama's campaign has inspired more bromantic overtures than yesterday's pride parades.

The Quantum Of Cyrus

Mark Graham · 06/30/08 02:15PM

We're still flipping through "The New Classics" issue of Entertainment Weekly that hit newsstands about two weeks ago. And while we feel that, on the whole, the staffers over there put together a pretty thorough examination of the last 25 years of pop culture, we do have a few qualms with their list. Chief among them is the inclusion of Casino Royale, the 2006 rebooting of the Bond franchise, which came in at #19 in their list of Top 100 movies. While it was certainly a serviceable action thriller, we've never quite been able to understand Owen Gleiberman's fascination with the film (he also rated it the top movie of 2006). Sure, the opening sequence was pretty cool if you've never seen Banlieue 13 or The Bourne Supremacy, but for us, the rest of the film was pure, uncut meh. After all, it couldn't have been just us who fell asleep during that interminable card game of Uno* that took up the entire third act of the film, right? But we're getting off track here. What we meant to be discussing all along is the new trailer for JB22, aka Quantum Of Solace, which we have for you after the jump.

Corey Haim Peers Through The Defamer Looking Glass, Darkly

Seth Abramovitch · 06/30/08 12:50PM

It's rare that one feels as though they can make a difference on this Big Blue Marble—even more so when that difference directly affects an internationally beloved movie star who's fallen upon hard times. And yet there Defamer was, driving a harrowing sequence from last night's The Two Coreys. At first, we were paralyzed by the "He knows we exist!"-effect that occurs when any lowly Movable Type drone is acknowledged by an eight-times undefeated Tiger Beat Fantasy Boyfriend of the Month. But we soon enough regained rudimentary use of our limbs as we observed Haim being guided by new assistant Nelle to our post about his "I'm ready to work" Variety notice—already considered a masterpiece of the self-perpetuated-comeback trade-ad genre.

Matt Lauer Joins the Obama bin Laden Club

Pareene · 06/30/08 09:17AM

Now even Matt Lauer is doing it! In a report on a forthcoming report on how George W. Bush forgot to capture Osama bin Laden for a couple years and is now trying extra hard to finish that up before finals, Lauer called the terrorist mastermind—three guesses—"Obama." He quickly corrected himself, of course. Look what Fox has done to us! This is why everyone should just call him "Barry Hussein" like we do. Because this makes it official: everyone who is on television regularly has now made The Slip.

100 Great Movies in Two Minutes

ian spiegelman · 06/29/08 09:09AM

A montage maker has weaved together clips from his favorite movies starting at 100 and counting down to first place. It's kind of like something you'd see at the Oscars, except it's under two minutes and doesn't have all the sucking. Check it out after the jump.

How Matt Damon Went From Hunky To Chunky

Mark Graham · 06/27/08 06:30PM

Nine out of ten talking heads agree, nothing clears your mental palate in advance of the weekend like tearing into a hearty Dirt Sandwich. No matter what happened to you during the work week, Molly McAleer's compilation of the week's best moments from the world of celebrity infotainment will cure what ails you. You get called "oily" on national TV? Try a Dirt Sandwich. You end up in sex tape with Mini-Me? Try a Dirt Sandwich. You set off a brawl between the Paps and the Surfs? Try a Dirt Sandwich. Short of a fistful of paco, nothing will turn that end-of-week-frown upside down faster than a Dirt Sandwich. Enjoy!

Famous Hollywood Celebrity Rosie O'Donnell Has Your Weekend To Do List

Molly McAleer · 06/27/08 06:00PM

So far, I haven't had the best luck convincing guests to join me on the To Do videos via satellite, but when Gramforce-1 called me and said that he got Rosie O'Donnell to co-host this weekend's To Dos with me, I was thrilled. I mean, have you seen Car 54 Where Are You? But the Rosie we got was a lot closer to that sea monster she played on The View than the delightful Lucile Toody. See for yourself after the jump!

Oversexed 'Top Gun' BBQ Joint Succumbs to Great Balls of Fire

STV · 06/27/08 03:40PM

Join us today in mourning a true, trashy landmark among film locations, which Top Gun immortalized with a simple declaration of lust 22 years ago and which a fire completely gutted Thursday afternoon. Yes, folks, San Diego's Kansas City BBQ — where Tom Cruise warbled, ahem, "Great Balls of Fire" to Kelly McGillis and where Meg Ryan ordered Anthony Edwards to "take me to bed or lose me forever" — is but a charred, smoky memory:

Mary-Kate Olsen Joins David Letterman In Taking Down Spencer Pratt One 'Oily' Insult At A Time

Molly Friedman · 06/27/08 02:45PM

Mary-Kate Olsen is en fuego these days. First she proved that she's able to smile without looking like Renee Zellweger, then her Wackness co-star Ben Kingsley announced she is quite the siren when it comes to on-screen kissing skills, and now she's teamed up with David Letterman to slowly and swiftly decapitate Hills villain Spencer Pratt. On Dave's couch to plug her film, MKO's stoner voice waxed rhapsodically about her hippiefest of a birthday celebration at Bonaroo, and what it was like to, as Dave put it, "kiss a really old guy." But things turned far more interesting after Olsen slyly inserted the robotic nobody Pratt into the conversation. And Dave couldn't have been more pleased. Hear what MK had to reveal about going to high school with Pratt, and join us in applauding her ability to spark an insult-laden bout of commentary from Dave regarding the "wormy," "oily" Pratt.

Dov Charney Is A Hero To Immigrants

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/08 02:14PM

VBS.TV (Vice magazine's online video channel) has an 8-part series called "Illegal LA" about the illegal immigration issue. The setup is to tell the story through the eyes of several key figures on different sides of the issue—including pervy American Apparel CEO Dov Charney! It raises an interesting point: though Charney is the neurotic head of our nation's most annoying fashion line who enjoys playing with himself in front of reporters, he is also one of the only entrepreneurs in his field with a truly progressive labor policy. Should he be forgiven for the first because of the second? No, but at least he has a mark in his favor on the balance sheet. After the jump, two clips featuring Charney's take on this unjust country of ours; and, as a counterpoint, a new spoof American Apparel ad that graphically reminds you of the evils of spandex.

Is Conde Nast Trying To Buy Rolling Stone?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/08 09:50AM

FOLIO magazine spotted a juicy bit at the very end of a Charlie Rose interview earlier this week with Vanity Fair chief Graydon Carter and Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner. Rose casually asks, "What's this story that Conde Nast wants to buy Rolling Stone?" That triggers a look of sheer terror on Graydon Carter's face, and a great deal of forced laughter and jabbering between the guests. We think we can hear Graydon saying, "We'll see." What it does not trigger is a denial. RS would certainly be a decent pickup for Conde Nast, but what the hell would Jann Wenner do with himself if he sold out? (Then again, Jeff Bercovici thinks Wenner's company is in a permanent decline, and he should cash out). Click to watch the clip, and parse the reactions carefully. [If you have any further info, email us.]

"Tired" Mary-Kate Olsen Pushes Letterman's Buttons

Ryan Tate · 06/27/08 04:19AM

Flannel-loving starlet Mary-Kate Olsen was in no condition to be on David Letterman's Late Show last night. Her excuse for her disjointed, unenthusiastic interview? She was "so tired" after her long trip (on an airplane, of course, not via any illegal drugs or booze or whatnot). Letterman could hardly have sounded less impressed with this, and twice referred back to how sorry he was about Olsen being "tired," by which he meant that she never should have plopped down on his damned couch if she was exhausted. Having been in show business since she was six-months old, MKO should have realized she was breaking the implicit talk-show contract: free publicity in exchange for a little coherent dish. If you're tired, buy a venti half-and-half latte to pull yourself together, or relinquish your camera time. At least Olsen shared some bitchy history on Spencer Pratt from The Hills. Clip of that and her tired-ness after the jump.

Before They Were Porn Stars

Mark Graham · 06/26/08 08:35PM

· Just weeks before he catapulted himself into the celebrity gossip stratosphere as America's Next Top Porn Star, we were fortunate enough to snag a few precious seconds with Verne Troyer on the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards. We broke into the Defamer Time Capsule — hint: it's buried somewhere in the grassy knoll between Craft and the Death Star — to unearth this clip that showcases both Molls and myself being temporarily rendered speechless when we realized we were in the presence of the world's most famous little person (yes, and that includes Matt Roloff).
· Still thirsty for more deets on the Mini-Me sex tape? Well, here's another mystery solved. The young frenchee in question is none other than 22-year-old Ranae Shrider, an aspiring model from Kentucky. Welcome to the jungle, baby. [TMZ]
· Just in time for Wall-E to hit theaters, those loveable scamps over at Radar have put together a list of cinema's gayest robots. [Radar]
· Looking for the silver lining in the news that the Jennifer Aniston rom-com He's Just Not That Into You has has been pushed back until February 2009? Now there's plenty of time to get Jennifer Connelly involved in that planned Marie Claire cover shoot. Also? More competition for Valkyrie! [US Magazine]
· "I am single, I have no problem meeting women. Women approach me 6, 7 times a day." After listening to this hilariously pathetic voicemail, we think we may have stumbled onto the perfect castmember for Season Two of Vh1's The Pickup Artist. If anyone can help this guy, it's Mystery. [The Sherman Foundation]

Skate Or Die! (But, Preferably, Just Die)

Mark Graham · 06/26/08 08:15PM

Forget what Stacey Peralta tried to teach you in Dogtown And Z-Boys, everyone knows the real thrasher revolution took place when Michael J. Fox latched onto the back of that pickup truck during the opening minutes of Back To The Future. While skating was certainly popular in underground circles before Bob Zemeckis taught Marty McFly how to ollie, it was the mammoth success of BTTF that allowed skateboarders to springboard from the underground into the mainstream. And while we have a modicum of respect for Tony Hawk and Bam Margera and the rest of the dudes who kick and push their way through the X Games, we think that most of us would agree that skateboarders are, more often than not, annoying as all get out. Case in point: a bunch of pseudopunk deckdogz were thrashing about outside of the HMS Bounty while Molls and Ed tried to have themself a nice dinner. The resulting video not only brings you a list of fun things To Do in Los Angeles tonight, but also takes aim at these rapscallions who we'd rather see zipping around on Heelies. Enjoy!

Gays and Geeks Rejoice As Trailer for Joss Whedon/Neil Patrick Harris Musical Hits Internet

Kyle Buchanan · 06/26/08 05:10PM

In a world where musical theater devotees and sci-fi fans yearn for common ground, the trailer for Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog grabs you by the lapels and sings, "I am that rare beast of boogie-woogie/for fans of Buffy/and fans of Doogie." Penned during the writers strike (ssshh!), the three-part internet series (helmed by Buffy creator Joss Whedon) stars Neil Patrick Harris as timid villain Dr. Horrible, who's about as skilled at wooing cute girls as he is at defeating good guys — which is to say, not very. Two pressing questions: how will Whedon fare in a medium free of low ratings and premature Fox cancellations? And also, is Neil Patrick Harris doomed to play a blogger for the rest of his career?

David Letterman Dares to Spoil Summer With Impromptu 'Dark Knight' Review

STV · 06/26/08 03:35PM

Don't believe for a second that David Letterman really broke any studio embargoes last night to tell you he loves The Dark Knight (he's not even the first to do so), but that doesn't mean the pseudo-spoilers contained herein are likely to compel you any less. In fact, the film Letterman describes may prove to be better than the finished product Warners has so ingloriously pimped for months now, right down to Batman's protective ears and the franchise-ending climax we've been hoping for. Of course, as far as we know Heath Ledger is still in the film, so maybe it's all devastatingly true. It's not like the cast hasn't been preparing us. [CBS]

Seriously: Is NBC's 'Celebrity Circus' Just An Elaborate Parody?

Kyle Buchanan · 06/26/08 03:10PM

If, like many Americans, you have never laid eyes on the sadistic torture fest known as NBC's Celebrity Circus, please allow today's clip to be your first. Now that the show is finished cracking ribs and breaking celebrity forearms, its reason for being felt willfully out of reach until this clip brought it all home: what if, underneath it all, Celebrity Circus is just an elaborate parody of the typical reality competition? As you watch Brady Bunch alum Christopher Knight (dressed as a model for International Male) swing through the air to the tunes of the Black-Eyed Peas' "Let's Get It Started," finally facing a trio of judges cut from the usual "generic, dippy, and British" mold, allow your mind to ponder the thought: is it possible to spoof a show that's already a parody of itself?