
Jon Stewart Goes on CNN, Compares CNN to a Murderous Living Doll

Jay Hathaway · 11/17/14 04:25PM

CNN host and frequent Daily Show guest Fareed Zakaria had Jon Stewart on GPS to talk about his new film, Rosewater, but couldn't resist cornering Stewart into admitting he watches CNN. A pyrrhic victory, considering what Stewart had to say about the network.

Crossfire Is Dead, Again

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/14 10:10AM

It wasn't that long ago when Crossfire, CNN's goofy establishment shoutfest, was considered a serious detriment to journalism. Well, it took care of itself. The show is being canceled (again).

A Very Confused CNN Wonders: "Who is 4chan?"

Sam Biddle · 09/02/14 10:42AM

After this weekend's stolen nudity spree, clueless reporters across the world are wondering: where is Reddit? When is iCloud? And who is Some sort of "hacker"? CNN technology analyst Brett Larson is here to identify a website.

Lauren, Please Don’t Kill Jake Tapper

J.K. Trotter · 08/19/14 12:46PM

A few minutes ago, CNN anchor Jake Tapper tweeted—and quickly deleted—two mysterious messages: “Please don’t make it soubd [sic] like I reached out to you” and “Lauren would kill me.” Both appear to be directed at someone Tapper was trying to reach via Twitter’s direct message function. What do they mean?

You Can Help Jon Stewart and The Daily Show Buy CNN

Andy Cush · 07/23/14 09:42AM

Rupert Murdoch, as you may have heard, wants to buy Time Warner. If that were to happen, the 83-year-old media mogul would be forced to sell off Time Warner-subsidiary CNN, a direct competitor to Fox News, a Murdoch property. But who has the $10 billion dollars it would take to buy the network?

CNN Anchor: Excuse My Pun About This Disaster That Killed Hundreds

Jay Hathaway · 07/21/14 11:50AM

When discussing a tragedy involving massive loss of human life, it's natural to wonder when it becomes OK to make humor—say, some horrible, on-the-nose wordplay—part of the healing process. Some popular answers include "never" and "definitely not while you're still reporting from the scene of the disaster."

Joan Rivers Continues Her Tour of Self-Righteous Indignation

Rich Juzwiak · 07/09/14 10:40AM

Joan Rivers was on last night's Late Show with David Letterman, because The Great Joan Rivers Moment-Having of 2014 is not yet over. Letterman challenged her with questions that in other circumstances she might deem "negative," but she answered his with humor and whatever the Rivers equivalent of grace is, as she already has a punching bag in the form of CNN's Fredericka Whitfield, whom she now infamously jilted during a recent interview.

Joan Rivers: I Stand By My CNN Walkout

Rich Juzwiak · 07/07/14 01:05PM

The Wrap reports that Joan Rivers "insisted her quick exit was not a PR stunt," regarding her storming off during a satellite CNN interview this weekend. But of course it was—she may not have caused a scene for the sole purpose of selling more copies of her 12th book, Diary of a Mad Diva, she may have been authentically pissed in the moment (or as authentically anything as anyone can be with a camera pointed at her) but...did you know that Rivers had a book out before the clip of her admonishing Fredericka Whitfield went viral?

J.K. Trotter · 07/07/14 10:35AM

Reliable Sources anchor Brian Stelter: “I will eat my remote control—in fact, I will eat my copy of the New York Post—if Murdoch becomes the owner of CNN.”