Members of the Media Bizarrely Continue to Request More Spying
Hamilton Nolan · 08/26/13 08:47AMRichard Cohen Is Quite Unconcerned With This "Racial Profiling" Nonsense
Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 08:42AMJay Mariotti Is the World's Worst Salesman
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/13 09:55AMOld Man Cannot Figure Out What's Happening
Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/13 08:55AMRacial Profiling Is “Common Sense" to Kathleen Parker
Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 12:40PMHamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 04:08PM
Hamilton Nolan · 06/12/13 09:01AM
The Vain Media Cynics of the NSA Story
Hamilton Nolan · 06/11/13 10:31AM
In the past week, we've witnessed the post-9/11 era's most comprehensive set of stories about the extent of the U.S. government's secret domestic spying programs. It's front page news worldwide. It's sparked a national debate over privacy and security. And some of our nation's most useless political pundits could not be more bored.
Thomas Friedman's Still Writing About His Daughter's College Roommate
Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/13 08:19AM
Last week, mustache-stroking corporatist sloganeer Thomas Friedman used his immensely valuable column space in the New York Times to write a love letter to a company run by his daughter's college roommate. Could Thomas Friedman possibly top that for sheer laziness and nepotistic indulgence? But of course.
Love-Love! Princess-in-Law Pippa Is Vanity Fair's New Tennis Writer
Maggie Lange · 06/05/13 01:52PMFrank Bruni Writes Column About Summer, As If Anyone Gives a Shit
Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/13 08:33AM
Although Frank Bruni is a bad newspaper columnist, he does write for a very influential newspaper, even if he doesn't always seem to know it. But we can't expect Frank Bruni to always be writing about "news." Sometimes, you just wanna say, "Hey, Frank: could you opine on the current season, for 800 words or so?"
Thomas Friedman Writes an Ad for His Daughter's College Roommate
Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/13 07:49AMDavid Brooks Column, or College Kid Musing About Girls? It's Both!
Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/13 08:55AM
David Brooks, a clumsy amateur sociologist who has improbably turned a talent for adjusting his glasses in a wise-looking manner into a gig as a nationally respected opinion columnist, is a busy man. He's teaching a class at Yale, okay? He can't be expected to come up with his own ideas every single week. Today, he hit on a novel solution to his quandary: just have one of his students write his column! You can hardly tell the difference.
Frank Bruni Column Based Entirely on Things that Flickered Across His Laptop Screen One Lazy Afternoon
Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/13 09:28AM
Well-meaning but inept New York Times columnist Frank Bruni is living proof that being a newspaper columnist is harder than it looks. As a normal newspaper writer and food critic, he seemed like a smart, erudite guy; as a columnist, he has proven to be remarkably free of insight or interesting ideas of any sort. Say, did you catch Frank Bruni's column Sunday entitle "The Land of the Binge?" If not, allow us to sum it up for you.
Thomas Friedman: Hyperconnected
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/13 10:22AM
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a mustachioed humanoid robot with a limited vocabulary, was programmed by his creators to do whatever it takes to get his simple, cartoonish message across, even if that means repeating that message over and over and over without end in the nation's premier news outlet until all of us bow down and accept it, just to get him to stop saying it.
Peggy Noonan Is Still Permitted to Write About Politics for Some Reason
Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/12 10:44AM
Peggy Noonan, whose uniquely airy style of kindergarten-reading-level prose works upon the political chattering classes (but no one else) like a snake charmer's flute works on a cobra, wrote one of the most vapid, scoff-worthy, fact-free columns of the pre-election news cycle, in which she predicted that Mitt Romney would win because she'd been seeing a lot of his yard signs around, lately. Well, now comes the post-election follow-up: Peggy Noonan is resigning from her job as a WSJ columnist, in acknowledgement of the unavoidable fact that she is an embarrassment to her profession.
Peggy Noonan Is a Professional Political Expert
Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/12 03:30PM'We're Not Stupid,' Says Stupid Lady Endorsing Romney as 'Feminist'
Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/12 08:45AMPeggy Noonan Went to Brooklyn
Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/12 09:13AM
Peggy Noonan. White. A white woman, yes, a Manhattanite, but a vital white woman, a woman of opinions, of breathing, of warbling on Sunday talk shows, about America—this America. This country. This great city, New York, where Peggy Noonan sips a gin fizz, contemplates that good American, Ronald Reagan (yes, a good man), and ventures forth—outwards, into the great bustling metropolis—to see what she can see. Lo! Peggy Noonan is surrounded by nonwhites. And what is that awful noise?