Members of the Media Bizarrely Continue to Request More Spying

The latest drop in the ceaseless downpour of scandalous NSA stories was the revelation that the agency spied on the U.N. That's a grave breach of trust by any standard, a serious scandal. But some vain media cynics will not stop championing the NSA no matter what it does.
The latest writer to take up the proud journalistic flag of Supporting The All-Powerful and Unaccountable Government Surveillance State is the Wall Street Journal's L. Gordon Crovitz, the paper's former publisher, now a columnist and shitty journalistic thinker. Crovitz's headline is "More Surveillance Please," and, well, you can surmise how it goes from there.
(It goes like this: Edward Snowden is a villain, his leaks did not show that the NSA is doing anything wrong, and in fact that NSA expends too many resources trying to ensure that they don't violate the Fourth Amendment.) Crovitz even calls for an end to the secret FISA court overseeing NSA spying requests— not because a secret court is a star chamber-like travesty against free and open government, but because Crovitz thinks its existence could allow Obama to blame it for any failures to spy on the right people! L. Gordon Crovitz is more concerned by the prospect of Barack Obama escaping political damage after a theoretical terrorist attack than he is by the prospect of an all-seeing national security state engaged in the literal destruction of privacy as a human right. Truly amazing.
Of course, the outlook of media figures like L. Gordon Crovitz who bizarrely support wholesale government spying is predicated on the assumption that the government will not be spying on people like L. Gordon Crovitz. Hold that assumption close to your hearts, media toadies. You may come to regret it.
[WSJ. For an example of a prominent national columnist actually embracing a reasonable position on how the media should view Snowden and Manning, see David Carr's column today. Photo: AP]