What Is the Point of Thomas Friedman?
Jim Newell · 08/10/11 02:49PM
There is much glee on the ethereal plane high above the Bethesda clouds from which New York Times columnist Tom Friedman writes his column today. We're treated to his latest venture into despondent centrist wet-dream fanfic, in which the Mustache of Understanding imagines a world where political parties don't have bases, but still manage to dig deep, treat each other politely, and deal with false problems in bad ways through their own sheer purity of will.
Frank Bruni Is a Pretty Bad Columnist
Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/11 01:14PM
Former New York Times restaurant critic and overall NYT star Frank Bruni was named an Op-Ed columnists last May, just after Frank Rich's departure. We had high hopes! We were promised that Bruni's column would be "a sharp, opinionated look at a big event of the last week, from a different or unexpected angle, or a small event that was really important but everyone seems to have missed, or something entirely different." How's that going?
Crazy Woman Pipes Up on Behalf of Brooklyn
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/11 08:32AMFarewell, Bill Keller's Awful Magazine Column
Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/11 09:08AMHarry Potter Is 'Most Sexist Story Ever Told,' Says Sex Troll
Hamilton Nolan · 07/21/11 08:17AM
Like an intemperate child placed in "time out," tabloid sex perv and professional journalist Andrea Peyser has resorted to "acting out" in order to grab our attention, now that we've stopped covering her every last cock-imbued utterance in order to write about topics more useful to society, like brawls in fast food restaurants.
Bill Keller to Staff: I Hate Your Books
Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/11 10:55AM
Bill Keller, the T. Herman Zweibel of New York Times columnists, is back with another edition of "Former NYT Editor Bill Keller Reveals Himself to Be Little Better Than The Average Topeka Capital-Journal Weekly Lifestyle Columnist, in a Spectacle That's Embarrassing for Everyone Involved." Today: Bill Keller uses his enviable national media platform to shit on his own employees' books.
David Brooks Boldly Acknowledges That His Political Party Is Insane
Jim Newell · 07/05/11 11:41AM
Conservative columnist David Brooks, the New York Times' chief over-the-counter muscle relaxant and civility enforcer, is finally getting upset with his political party as it prepares to plunge the nation into debt default for no real reason. Are you sure you want to do this, David? It's only a "D" credit rating that's looming on the horizon, after all.
Andrea Peyser Already Misses That Weiner
Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/11 08:33AMFrank Bruni Is the New Frank Rich
Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/11 03:27PMCindy Adams Is Too Stupid to Understand Doorbells
Maureen O'Connor · 04/29/11 01:12PMChuck Norris Plagiarizes Mostly Everything Including Himself
Jim Newell · 04/26/11 04:24PM
The only reason most people bother purchasing Internet service is to read actor Chuck Norris' insane right wing political columns, which are syndicated on an array of terrible liar websites like World Net Daily and But now you can just print out what's already been written and cancel that service, because he's probably already published everything that would appear in future columns.
The More Bill Keller Says, the Worse He Gets
Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/11 03:24PM
Bill Keller, the editor of America's greatest newspaper, continues to systematically dismantle his professional reputation by writing an unnecessary, vainglorious, and ill-advised column in the New York Times Magazine, in which he demonstrates, week by depressing week, that he's not as great as you would have imagined. This week, he comes right out and calls for more government secrecy and less journalism. "For those charged with keeping secrets, WikiLeaks is a wake-up call," he writes. "So what should the government do to make the leaker's task - and my job as a nosy journalist - harder?
Why Maureen Dowd Is Not a Good Columnist
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:28AM
Earlier this month, former Senator Chris Dodd became the new CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, making him, in essence, Hollywood's chief lobbyist. This was notable, since Dodd—a onetime favorite of populists—had repeatedly promised not to become a lobbyist when he left the Senate. Glenn Greenwald reflected on the depressing statement that Dodd's hypocrisy made about the entire American political system:
The New York Times' Columnist Problem
Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 03:40PM
Bill Keller, the editor of the world's most influential newspaper, may be losing his mind. He made the poor choice to start writing his own column, which promptly went to hell in its second week. He wrote a whiny, trite, un-self-aware media column, ensuring that most people wouldn't care, and those who cared would find his work embarrassing.
Bill Keller Writes Provocative Media Column From 1997
Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/11 03:34PM
When we learned that New York Times editor Bill Keller was getting his very own column in the New York Times Magazine, our keen media instinct—honed by years of reading the Twitter and writing juvenile jokes on the internet while never doing any "real reporting"—told us that sooner or later, this column would become an institutional embarrassment. Spoiler: sooner!
'Washington Post' Columnist David Broder Dies
Jim Newell · 03/09/11 01:42PMFrank Rich Leaving NYT for New York Magazine
Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/11 09:57AM
Huh. New York Times op-ed expounder Frank Rich, who currently possesses a huge chunk of the Sunday opinion page in the world's most influential newspaper—where he's allowed to say whatever he wants—is leaving all that behind to go write for New York magazine, where he "will be an essayist for the magazine, writing monthly on politics and culture, and will serve as an editor-at-large, editing a special monthly section anchored by his essay." Rich's own explanation: