Bill Keller Will Stop Throwing the Word 'Illegals' Around So Much
Jim Newell · 12/13/11 12:50PM
Great news from the official top paper of historical world record, import, & fame, &c., the New York Times: former executive editor Bill Keller won't use "illegals" to refer to illegal immigrants in his profound-ish columns! What's the big deal? Perhaps that he was using it left and right in his column the other day and everyone got mad at him for this? Indeed, it is so.
Does Frank Bruni Know He's Writing a New York Times Column?
Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/11 10:05AM
In the past, we have used this space to mock new New York Times columnist Frank Bruni for starting out poorly, then getting progressively, unbelievably worse. He seems to lack any convictions at all, let alone interesting ones; though he's only been on the job for half a year, he's already been reduced to padding his column with excruciatingly boring stories from his own life, due to his apparent dearth of worthwhile ideas about important issues.
Expert: Gold-Digging Welfare Whore Is After Herman Cain's Money
Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/11 09:31AM
Halfwit tabloid sex perv Andrea Peyser has a major Republican sex fetish. Yes, fine, that's a matter of record. But Andrea is, first and foremost, a professional sexxx journalist, and she takes that duty quite seriously. So it's alarming to learn that—in Andrea's unbiased opinion—Sharon Bialek (pictured), who yesterday accused Herman Cain of sexual assault, is a gold-digging slutty slutwhore bad mom welfare queen (and ugly).
Against All Odds, Frank Bruni Gets Worse
Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/11 11:18AMKim Kardashian Could Turn Andrea Peyser Lesbian (In Protest)
Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/11 08:27AMAndrea Peyser Agog at Kinky Kiddie Pleasure Palace (Elementary School)
Hamilton Nolan · 10/27/11 08:40AMHerman Cain: 'The Biggest Threat to the Left Since the Fall of Communism'
Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/11 08:38AM
Sexually obsessed tabloid persona Andrea Peyser customarily writes her column by feeding her cat large quantities of GHB-laced Fancy Feast, and then allowing it to wander over her keyboard. Still, today's is even more laughable than usual. Who would have thought that a racist white lady would lionize a black Republican? Oh, everybody!
Tom Friedman Does Not Know What's Happening Here
Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/11 02:29PMPeggy Noonan Observes Average Americans via Closed Circuit Video
Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/11 10:49AM
The readers of the Wall Street Journal don't have time to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking. That's why they buy the Wall Street Journal—to keep abreast of the various maneuverings and machinations of the rabble, as described by columnists who are, frankly, also too well-off to go out into the dirty corners of the world to find out what the rabble is thinking.
The New York Times Has Not Solved Its Columnist Problem
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 12:41PMThomas Friedman Calls for Sleeve-Rolling
Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/11 11:46AMThe War on Paul Krugman's 9/11 Blog Post
Jim Newell · 09/12/11 12:52PM
Those patriotic Internet-Americans who honor the anniversary of 9/11 by surfing political blogs all day for something to get offended about seized on a pointed blog post from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman yesterday, and show no sign of letting up. Paul Krugman is now the most worst person in the history of America, for pointing out that certain politicians made some bad decisions after 9/11.
Columnist: Uppity Minorities Are Destroying the Spirit of 9/11
Hamilton Nolan · 09/12/11 08:34AMFrank Bruni Writes the Most Boring Story Ever Told
Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/11 12:45PM
Frank Bruni is the new Bill Keller is the new Thomas Friedman! Which is to say, the latest New York Times columnist who can be reliably depended upon to use his priceless media real estate to write utterly vacuous and worn-out tripe about this CRRRAAAZZZYYY modern technology we have in our modern world, these days.
Frank Bruni's New Favorite Food Is Milquetoast
Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/11 09:29AMUh Oh: Thomas Friedman Has a Golf-Themed Column
Jim Newell · 08/24/11 12:57PM
If you, too, specifically seek to read pieces of writing that you know will be depressing if not dangerous, then there's nothing better than a Thomas Friedman column's opening paragraph that runs with either a misleading anecdote or confusing extended metaphor. Today's the latter! Let's take a gander at this sumbitch. It is about golf.
Tabloid Lady: I Hate Everybody
Hamilton Nolan · 08/24/11 08:24AM
The unsatisfying resolution of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case raises tough questions of race, sex, power, and law. Indeed, this one murky encounter and its muddled aftermath could be used as a prism through which to dissect the very nature of morals in our sometimes unsettling globalized world. Or, you could just say: fuck everybody involved.