
Crazy Congresswoman to Appear on Crazy Radio Program

Pareene · 06/29/09 02:49PM

On the one hand, Alex Jones is a (terribly entertaining) unhinged conspiracy theorist who rants about the New World Order and FEMA Concentration Camps and produces crazy movies about how 9/11 was an inside job and how Barack Obama is basically Hitler. All of this is well and good for a late-night radio talk show host! But for an elected member of the House of Representatives to appear on his show might strike some people as a sort of implicit endorsement of his more outre beliefs.

The Flu Is Coming From Inside the White House!

John Cook · 04/30/09 01:27PM

A member of Barack Obama's security detail has contracted a suspected case of the swine flu—this outbreak has Barack "The Typhoid President" Obama's fingerprints all over it.

The Liberal Media Mafia's Secret Listserv of Smugness

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/09 09:17AM

Are you aware that there is a secret "listserv" populated by Washington's most self-important journalists, where they conspire on how to control the world via their influential ramblings? This thing is big! And secret!

Obama's Big Fake Inauguration

Ryan Tate · 01/23/09 04:18AM

The credulous public didn't hear the REAL performance by Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman at Barack Obama's inauguration. It heard a two-day old recording. Along with that fake oath.

Jett Travolta's Fishy Cause Of Death

Ryan Tate · 01/06/09 04:12AM

Following an autopsy, the official story is now that John Travolta's son died from a seizure. Travolta's story is that his son had Kawasaki disease. It's quite possible neither is right.