
Are Birthers Really The New Truthers?

Pareene · 09/11/09 01:14PM

9/11 Truthers—the actual, self-declared movement Truthers—are, universally and without exception, morons. Van Jones signed a Truther petition, which was incredibly stupid, but he says he is not actually a Truther. Wha...?

Michael Jackson Lives!

Andrew Belonsky · 08/26/09 10:18PM

People are stupid. Pure and simple. Take, for example, rumors circulating that Michael Jackson, like Tupac and Elvis, still walks among us. Why would people believe such an outlandish thing? Again: they're stupid. And then there's this...

Media Matters Inadvertently Contributes to Birther Documentary

Pareene · 08/25/09 09:14AM

Like it is barely even about how Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and is the son of Malcolm X! Most of the movie is just clips of cable news people talking about the election and Obama's first few months in office. But the highlight is surely this all-time classic of unintended consequences:

This Week In Depressing Polls

Pareene · 08/19/09 03:32PM

When there aren't elections going on, the only thing pollsters can poll is "how fucking nuts is everyone, anyway?" Hey, look, a new Birthers poll!

Is Twitter Under Attack from Russia?

Ryan Tate · 08/07/09 02:45PM

Twitter continues to be flaky today. Par for the course on the overcrowded microblogging service, right? But Twitter claims it is the victim of elaborate hack attacks that "appear to have been geopolitical in motivation." That's actually true!

Meet Crazy Eileen the Birther

Pareene · 07/27/09 01:59PM

Apparently she calls into a local talk radio station all the time. In this clip, she is talking about aliens. Also she predicts Armageddon in 95 years.

Birthers Displeased With Reasonable Republican

Pareene · 07/21/09 09:22AM

See, this lady says Barack Obama is "a citizen of Kenya," and wants to know what her Representative plans to do about the fact that a Kenyan has become the president. So Castle says: "Well I don't know what comment that invites. If you're referring to the president, then he is a citizen of the United States."

Pope Wants World's Money, For Shoes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/09 01:55PM

The Way We Live Now: Under the thumb of the papacy. The Pope is calling for some super-Illuminati to rule the world economy. No need, dude; we had one already, called Ikea. And it's laying people off.