
Duane Reade Sells Out

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/10 09:18AM

The slow death of Genuine New York continues apace: Ubiquitous NYC drug store Duane Reade, with over 1 million locations in your neighborhood alone, is being bought by boring corporate drug store Walgreen. Man. Remember when purchasing gum was real?

Undercover Boss: Advertainment's Fourth Wave

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/10 04:25PM

So we assume you saw Undercover Boss last night, CBS' big new reality show that got the plum post-Super Bowl spot? Amazing, was it not? Televised entertainment has now completed its long, winding journey into becoming 100% corporate propaganda.

Hoard Your Money, For God's Sake

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/10 03:53PM

The Way We Live Now: recalibrating our responsibilities. In tough times, we can't be expected to support certain causes as effusively as we once did. Such causes include, but are not limited to: Colleges, mortgage payments, and the poors.

Chicks Don't Know How Good They Have It

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/10 01:46PM

In a new survey, male and female business professionals both agree that entry-level jobs are gender-neutral—but about twice as many men as women said executive-level jobs are equally open to both sexes. Among those men: your boss. [WSJ]

Starbucks Is Back, Bitches

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/10 12:45PM

Remember that place called "Starbucks" back in the day? Hahaha, people used to go there and drink coffee and things and instantly stereotype themselves by walking into this "Starbucks," a magical portal to a narrowly defined world of laughable cultural stereotypes? No wonder it totally fell off the map of relevance last year and disappeared into the thoroughly unsexy world of hobo coffee.

Everybody Mad at Dolls, Cartoons

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/09 12:31PM

We like to "jest" with the advertising industry about how stupid and evil they are, but the truth is that marketing is not easy. Today in Fuzzy Public Outrage: Dolls are racist, and soap bubbles are rapists.

Branding Belies Bravery

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/09 01:08PM

Procter & Gamble is bravely helping women in Singapore overcome the cultural taboo associated with menstruation. Its marketing campaign empowers women to understand that periods are nothing to be ashamed of. That's why they named their product "Whisper." [WSJ]

A Brave New Donut

Hamilton Nolan · 10/02/09 11:10AM

When you're deciding which fast food franchise to buy into, one to avoid would be Dunkin Donuts, because the muckety-mucks at Dunkin Donuts headquarters will spy on you with video cameras, 24/7.

The Yes Men's Next Stunt

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/09 09:11AM

"Survivaball." Read all about it on the website. "Worried About Climate Change? Don't sweat it." Instead, you can wear a ridiculous rubber-ball body suit to protect you from the ravages of global warming. It's an example of the world's largest corporations using engineering to replace ethics, with humorous results, etc.

Advertising of The Future To Enslave The White Man

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/09 09:00AM

What if our corporate overlords could measure precisely how one single city block—yours—would respond to their advertisements for Pringles™ brand astronaut potatoes, to offer a delicious example? They would use this power for racism, obvs.