We Couldn't Get The Rights To Jerry Springer's 'Where the Wild Things Are'
abalk2 · 08/04/06 11:00AM
A correction in today's Times notes that "the Advertising column in Business Day yesterday, about videos to promote books, misstated the given name of an illustrator in a quotation by Suzanne Murphy of Scholastic, who discussed a video Scholastic was making for the artist's first pop-up book. She said, 'Maurice Sendak is already legendary,' not 'Maury.'"
Correction: Racism In Our City Zoos
abalk2 · 07/27/06 02:02PM'I'm Not Rappaport,' Starring Adam Nagourney
abalk2 · 07/26/06 09:05AM
An article on Sunday reported on efforts by the Democratic Party to revise its election-year calendar for 2008 to include an early caucus in Nevada and an early primary in South Carolina. It said that William M. Gardner, secretary of state for New Hampshire, was reached at his home on Saturday and said, "Do not call me here," and hung up the telephone when the reporter tried to get comment on how these changes might affect his state's first-in-the-nation primary.
Anatomy of a Page Six Correction
Jessica · 06/07/06 02:41PMKatharine Close Is Smarter Than Us All; Chris Connelly, Not So Much
Jessica · 06/02/06 08:27AM
The guts, the glory, the silent consonants: nothing compares to the bloodthirsty competition of a spelling bee. Last night the Scripps National Spelling Bee had its first primetime, live airing on ABC, and New Jersey's 13-year-old Katharine Close took home the dorkily awesome crown. Her winning word was "ursprache," beating out 14-year-old Finola Hackett, a Canadian girl who blew it all on "weltschmerz." Stupid girl, but that's justice — this is our national spelling bee. Get your own, America Jr.
Sylvestergate: Steve Lookner's Epilogue
Jessica · 05/12/06 09:06AMMale Socialites Story Explained
Jesse · 05/01/06 08:21AMPayola Six: Check and Double-Check Your Burkle
Jessica · 04/25/06 10:25AM
On Sunday, the Times ran a disconcertently glowing story about shaken-down billionaire Ron Burkle's friendship with Bill Clinton. One of the fuzzy details included was how Clinton and Burkle had met; according to the Times, the two were introduced after Clinton had heard that Burkle's supermarkets were spared in the LA riots because he was so good to his employees. After Slate's Mickey Kaus pointed out that Burkle's properties weren't so much spared as torched, the Times has put its tail between its legs:
The Alessandra Stanley Watch: It's So Nice to Have You Back Where You Belong
Jesse · 04/20/06 12:51PMRemainders: Getting to Know Meredith Vieira
Jessica · 04/05/06 06:10PM
• The Today Show may be losing Katie Couric's legs, but there's still hope if Meredith Vieira takes her place: Vieira eschews underwear in favor of nature's breeze. [TMZ]
• A moment of sincerity: Jane Pratt and Gwen Stefani working together on a magazine? Holy fucking awesome. We'll spend tonight sleeping on a pile of Sassys, praying for a miracle. [Suicide Girls]
• Because nothing is sacred, bid adieu to the $5 burgers and endless beers at Columbia's legendary West End — it's time for the Cuban invasion. [NY Sun]
• Is Gloria Steinem a Diva Who Dines? [DWD (scroll down)]
• Behold the commuting majesty of the SeaStreak, the preferred boat of New Jersey traders and those nostalgic for a booze cruise. [Dealbreaker]
• In a similarly depressing, finance-oriented vein, we present you with Hedgestock. Oh yes, hell is very, very real. [Dealbook]
• How the Times artfully dodges the Corrections bullet. [Tabloid Baby]
At 'NYT,' Wilmer Turns Lola Alessandran
Jesse · 04/04/06 10:24AMRemainders: The Miracle of Sean Preston's Birth, Yours to Own
Jesse · 03/23/06 05:24PM
• The art you've always wanted: A sculpture of Britney Spears giving birth. On a bearskin rug. And "the crowning of baby Sean's head." Where would you find such a thing? In Williamsburg, of course. [Send2Press]
• This week's Times correction of the week: "An article in The Metro Section on March 8 profiled Donna Fenton, identifying her as a 37-year-old victim of Hurricane Katrina who had fled Biloxi, Miss., and who was frustrated in efforts to get federal aid as she and her children remained as emergency residents of a hotel in Queens. Yesterday, the New York police arrested Ms. Fenton, charging her with several counts of welfare fraud and grand larceny. Prosecutors in Brooklyn say she was not a Katrina victim, never lived in Biloxi and had improperly received thousands of dollars in government aid." People are so nit-picky these days. [NYT]
• AC 360 finds a new scourge to campaign against: The evil practice of puppy smuggling. [CNN]
• There are dates that end well and dates that end less well. And then there are dates the end in night court. Even worse, without Judge Harry T. Stone. Yikes. [CourtTV]
• Is this for real? Who knows. But it would seem that Mobile, Ala., residents found themselves a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day, according to the local NBC affiliate. [YouTube]