
Rapping Man Climbs Light Pole, Shuts Down Times Square

Adrian Chen · 06/28/11 09:59AM

Some crazy dude has climbed a light pole in Times Square, shutting down traffic. He's apparently rapping? Police are standing on top of a van, trying to coax him down, and you can watch the live feed here. Quite a crowd has developed around Rapping Light Pole Guy, and tourists are no doubt getting the wrong impression that this is something New Yorkers do all the time.

Study Reveals Why People Who Grew Up in Cities Are Crazy

Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/11 04:55PM

Everyone has always known that living in a bustling metropolis like New York City will make you a psycho, fast. That's why everyone with the means gets the fuck out as soon as they have kids. They'd feel guilty if they didn't even give the kids a chance to be normal, for a while.

Montana Town Becomes Haven for Angry White People

Jeff Neumann · 06/22/11 05:50AM

The picturesque mountain town of Kalispell, Montana (pop: 19,927) is becoming a haven for extremists after several marquee names from various angry white person groups have set up shop there. And just last week, ex-Kalispell militia leader and wearer of fanny packs David Burgert got into a gunfight with sheriff's deputies a few hours away from the town.

Insanely Bored Americans Are Vacationing on Farms

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/11 10:44AM

Those lucky enough to grow up ensconced in the idyllic and unchanging lifestyle on the classic American farm have always possessed a bit of wisdom that hapless urbanites never acquired. "Sweet Jesus," the farmers say, as they lean against a wooden fence, chewing on a stalk of some sort of grain, "I'm so fucking bored. Get me off this farm before I blow my brains out. Amen."

Man and Mannequin Wife Travel Across New York

Max Read · 06/09/11 07:59PM

Ned Nefer and his wife Teagan are taking a walking tour of upstate New York on their way from Syracuse to Watertown. In Watertwon, they plan to visit the Children's Home of Jefferson County, where they met in the 1980s, when Teagan was "just a head."

How Much Would You Pay to Watch Glenn Beck?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/11 08:16AM

Bawling conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck doesn't need Fox News and its Illuminati sympathizers to help him make a living. He can make money just fine by himself, due to the fact that his entire audience is composed of hapless suckers.

Roger Ailes' Office Protects Him from Gay Terrorists

Max Read · 05/30/11 06:13PM

There's so much to love about Fox News chief Roger Ailes — and so much of him to love — but our favorite character trait is his lunatic paranoia. Did you know he bomb-proofed his office against "those gays"?

Poetic Murder Suspect Sure Writes Some Nice Letters

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/11 11:37AM

Sue Ann Marcum, a 52 year-old professor at American University, was found murdered in her home in the DC suburbs last year. The prime suspect in the case is Jorge Rueda Landeros, a yoga instructor who has now reportedly fled to Mexico. But that hasn't stopped him from making beautiful, fugitive poetry.

NYer Story on Obsessive Stalker Sparks Obsessive, Stalker-y Protest

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/11 08:30AM

Last August, Tad Friend wrote an excellent article in the New Yorker about the spectacularly bizarre life of downtown New York scenester John Lurie, focusing on his weird on-again, off-again friendship with an artist named John Perry, portrayed as a moody and dangerous figure who ended up stalking Lurie and making threats against his life.

Glenn Beck Launches a Groupon Knockoff

Hamilton Nolan · 05/23/11 08:38AM

Paranoid crybaby Glenn Beck is leaving Fox News, but don't you worry, world's biggest suckers Glenn Beck fans: you can still get your "giving money to Glenn Beck fix," in the form of coupons, for chocolate!

State Rep Pulls Gun on Photographer at Dunkin Donuts

Lauri Apple · 05/22/11 12:00PM

It's not entirely clear what led Frederick Ladd Wintle, a Republican state legislator from Maine, to believe that a local news photographer might also be a drug dealer who's somehow responsible for killing babies. But it appears that he was wrong, and also wrong about some other things.

There Are Not Bugs Crawling Under Your Skin, You're Just Crazy

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/11 04:42PM

Beyond happiness! Dangerous hospitals! Depressed moms! Tinnitus findings! Morgellon's disease! Skin cancer! Binge drinking! Horse herpes! And coffee men for good prostate love! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—creepily!

The One About the Vampire-Penis Ad Exec

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/11 03:36PM

Hey, how about a totally unsubstantiated crazytown story, from the internet? It's about an advertising executive's penis! Oh, now you're interested. Well then, fine.

Batman Was Arrested in Michigan Today

Brian Moylan · 05/11/11 02:53PM

An unnamed 31-year-old man was arrested early this morning in Petoskey, Michigan, while dressed as Batman and dangling from a rope on the side of a building. In his utility belt were some sort of baton, lead-lined gloves, and pepper spray. Well, pepper spray was always was the Joker's Achilles Heel.