
Drunk Fireworks Protest Foiled Before It Can Cause Banking Reform

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/11 08:36AM

Sure, we've all had the overwhelming urge, at times, to fill up our Jeep Cherokee with fireworks, drive to Washington, DC, and detonate those fireworks on the National Mall, in order to call for banking reform. How else will those fat cat politicians and banking regulators ever "get the message?" The important thing to remember, however, when you get drunk and put your Fireworks Banking Protest plan into action, is to keep it secret until the last possible second.

Crazy Guy on Tower Enters Fifth Day of Negotiations With Police

Max Read · 08/15/11 06:34PM

The standoff between Tulsa cops and the crazy guy on top of a communications tower entered its fifth day on Monday, passing the 100-hour mark this afternoon. "This situation is unusual," Officer Leland Ashley tells the Tulsa World.

Blogger Arrested Over Threat to Joe Lieberman

Max Read · 08/09/11 07:51PM

There are a few guidelines to being a successful blogger: Update frequently. Promote your posts on social media. And don't describe Sen. Joe Lieberman as "one Jew, who we absolutely must shoot in the face (many times), ASAP."

Intoxicated Crazy Man Also Aspiring Subway Boxer

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 03:16PM

"Chronicles of the A train. Chronicles of the A train," says the world-weary straphanger after witnessing this severely one-sided "fight" that is today's entry into the hefty catalog of recent subway insanity. I bet what would help to not have a clearly insane and/ or intoxicated man get his ass beat by the most frustrated of an entire train car's worth of frustrated riders is to shut the train doors more frequently than once every four minutes. That would deprive us all of our day's unsettling voyeurism, though.

Norway Shooter Demands Cigarettes, Complete Overthrow of Society

Max Read · 08/02/11 08:27PM

Admitted Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik has a bunch of demands. Some are pretty easy: Cigarettes! Clothes! Norway has plenty of those things. Some are a little more difficult: Command of the Norwegian army! "The complete overthrow of the Norwegian and European societies"!

Guy Might Shoot You for Standing in Line 'Wrong'

Lauri Apple · 07/02/11 10:56AM

Perry Frasier does not tolerate poor standing-in-line skills. At a post office in Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday, he allegedly began arguing with another man who was "standing slightly off-center" of the customer service line, because nobody fucks with Perry Frasier's sensibilities.

Glenn Beck's Texas Last Stand Bunker

Richard Lawson · 07/01/11 11:44AM

After concluding his Fox News program Thursday and being brutally assaulted by New York cultural elite fascist thugs earlier this week, Glenn Beck has had it with New York. So he's moving to Dallas, and renting this place for $20,000/month.

Goodbye, Glenn

John Cook · 06/29/11 10:46PM

Tomorrow is the final broadcast of the Glenn Beck show on Fox News. To mark the occasion, Media Matters has put together a mesmerizing 10-minute highlight reel of Beck's most terrifying and hallucinatory moments: "Requiem for a Rodeo Clown." It is truly artful. He will be missed.

Glenn Beck Slams Woman Who Sat Next to Him at a Movie

Adrian Chen · 06/29/11 06:15PM

Glenn Beck absolutely will not shut up about The Time A Woman Accidentally Spilled Wine On His Wife! On Wednesday he spent a full 10 minutes on his radio show tearing into a moviegoer who says he's greatly exaggerated his family's brush with death at an outdoor movie.