iPad 'Near-Riot' Injures Four
Max Read · 05/08/11 02:24PMScientists Give Computer Schizophrenia
Max Read · 05/07/11 02:43PM
A computer at the University of Texas at Austin recently claimed responsibility for a terrorist bombing. It had not, in fact, bombed anyone, which is reassuring; less reassuring is the fact that the computer made those claims because it is schizophrenic. Indeed: researchers at the fine institution had induced something resembling schizophrenia in DISCERN, a "neural network... [that] can learn natural languages" and remember and repeat "simple stories," by increasing its rate of learning "so that it did not forget at normal rates." And, lo:
Did Online Poker Lead to Osama Bin Laden's Death?
Adrian Chen · 05/03/11 05:36PMCrazy People Make Crazy Soldiers, Says Science
Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/11 04:07PMBachmann Puts Asterisks on Health Care Vote and the Holocaust
Lauri Apple · 05/01/11 12:47PMMinnesota's top Tea Party hostess Michele Bachmann skipped Sunday brunch to go on television and discuss how she feels about the Republican party's plan to take away Medicare from America's Olds. Surprisingly, she's not totally down with it, and is using punctuation to let everybody know.
Brewer Gifts Arizona With Border Fence and Tea Party License Plates
Lauri Apple · 04/30/11 01:20PMBarack Obama Gives Wingnuts a New Pastor to Hate
Jim Newell · 04/29/11 02:30PM
Conservative pundits have been known to give President Obama crap for not going to church. It's part of why, if you're, say, Byron York, the president should only blame himself for the millions of morons who believe he's a Muslim. But when Obama does go to church, as he and his family did on Easter Sunday, he still ends up in a multi-pronged scandal. He didn't "do" Easter correctly.
America's Greatest Jesus Painter Yanks Paintings from 'Liberal' BYU Bookstore
Hamilton Nolan · 04/29/11 08:31AMCNN Investigation: Barack Obama was Born in Hawaii
Jeff Neumann · 04/26/11 05:23AM
Barack Obama was definitely born in Hawaii. How do we know this is true? Because CNN says so. "Period." The network traveled to the state where Obama was allegedly born in 1961 and spoke with Dr. Chiyome Fukino ("a former director of the Hawaii Department of Health and a Republican") who said Obama's live birth certificate is legit, and that "he was absolutely born here in the state of Hawaii." A Republican even says so. Case closed.
Man Caught Peeing on Cough Drops in Walgreens
Max Read · 04/25/11 08:39PMAttention, Florida! Do you recognize the man in the video above? The police would like a word with him, regarding how he peed on the cough drops at the Walgreens in Sanford. And, Florida, while we have your attention:
USA Today: Newspaper of Choice for Angel-Believers
Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 10:51AMCharles Manson Has an Important Message on Climate Change
Max Read · 04/18/11 07:14PMWoman Mutilates Cat for Lady Gaga Costume
Max Read · 04/13/11 06:44PMPsycho Slasher Killer Is New York's Most Insane PR Man
Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/11 07:53AMSarah Palin Supports Donald Trump's Birther Quest
Max Read · 04/10/11 11:19AMFormer Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin believes President Obama was born in Hawaii. She said so just yesterday! But even so, she "appreciates" failed businessman Donald Trump's (very public) quest to discover the president's true origins.
Shelley Ross's Lengthy Rebuttal to Anything Mean Ever Said About Her
Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/11 10:24AMWoman Who Attacked Painting Is Totally Sane CIA Agent
Max Read · 04/04/11 11:31PMFamous Painting of Boobs Makes Lady Go Crazy
Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/11 09:02AMFacebook Sued for $1 Billion Over Controversial Facebook Page
Adrian Chen · 04/03/11 11:51AM
Last week, Facebook found itself at the center of a firestorm over a page set up calling for a third Palestinian intifada. The page was 'liked' by more than 350,000 users and condemned by the Israeli government and the Anti-Defamation league. Ultimately Facebook pulled it down because it said administrators and members were participating in ""direct calls for violence" in violation of its policies.