
Someone Mailed a Bomb Threat to NPR!

Max Read · 10/26/10 10:16PM

NPR received a bomb threat in the mail today, prompting the news organization to take extra security precautions and "generally [be] more vigilant." Was it related to the termination of commentator Juan Williams? Or just a pledge drive gone wrong?

Baby Gets the Holy Spirit

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/10 12:56PM

Here is an odd, elderly-looking (2,000 year-old?) baby in church, dancing as if possessed by the Jesus Spirit. Give that baby a cigarette and tape it to a wall, it'll be the biggest thing on the internet!

How Dare You Pee on Las Vegas, With Facts?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/10 03:36PM

The Way We Live Now: debating. Gambling, you mean? That's a cheap shot. Your whole city is a cheap shot. At least we're not snooty elites. At least we're not degenerate craps hustlers. Is Vegas done? Yes. No. Wanna bet?

The Woman on the Cover of Twilight: Sorta Nuts

Max Read · 10/03/10 08:53PM

Meet Kimbra Hickey, the model whose hands grace the now-iconic cover of vampire romance Twilight. What's she up to these days? Oh, not much, just hanging out at the Barnes & Noble cash register, telling people who she is.

Woman Travels Four Hours with Gun to Kill Mean Internet Commenter

Max Read · 10/01/10 01:16AM

Meet Briana Greathouse of Kansas City, Missouri. Briana, who's 25, recently traveled to Ottumwa, Iowa, four hours away, to meet a man she knew through the internet. And kill him. For making mean internet postings. Her mom was arrested, too.