
Soon We Will All Be Hypersexuals

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/10 01:13PM

Among the possible additions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the bible of psychiatry: "hypersexuality," meaning being way horny. The NYT predicts it has "a high likelihood of entering the pop vernacular." Oh, "entering," EHH? Fingers crossed!

Andrew Breitbart Is Mad About Something

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/10 10:03AM

Finally, Andrew Breitbart is speaking out on the liberal media's railroading of phone tap pimp James O'Keefe. Bonus: Lloyd Grove also gets Breitbart to reveal when he's being cantankerous, and when he's merely being jocular. Invaluable perspective! [Daily Beast]

Bad News for Vaccine Conspiracists is Good News for Everyone Else

Pareene · 01/29/10 05:11PM

The Huffington Post reports that Bill Gates pledged $10 billion for vaccine research. The HuffPo's utterly insane vaccine conspiracy theorizing commenters are unhappy! Meanwhile, the doctor who invented the "vaccines cause autism" lie has (finally!) been reprimanded by the UK's General Medical Council, and he may yet have his medical license revoked. Arianna's Funtime Link Party Tribune and Hothouse of Nonsense has not yet weighed in, though we can't wait to hear what Ace Ventura has to say.

Obama Turns Ordinary Man into Celebrity Magnet

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/10 02:28PM

Tom was just like you: an ordinary schmoe from Jersey, with a kid and a job in banking and a pronounced inability to attract celebrities into his general vicinity. Until one day when he met Barack Obama, became magnetized, and proceeded to attract celebrities, in much the same way a magnet attracts metal. Moments ago, Tom sent out this lengthy press release, informing the world of his strange and wondrous saga of celebrity attraction. We want you to read it all. It is just that important.

Palin vs. Beck in 2010

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/10 10:21AM

Paranoid xenophobe Glenn Beck is scared that moose-hunting ignoramus Sarah Palin will steal his show on flag-waving racist network Fox News, according to feckless celebuscavenger Rob Shuter. Here's hoping all parties involved fight and fight some more. [Popeater. Pic via]

Why Have Kids?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/10 04:40PM

"Why have kids?" So asks Motherlode blog reader "Bailey," in a heartfelt effort to get to the bottom of the mystery of human reproductive urges. She came to the right place; if anyone can solve philosophical conundrums, it's internet commenters.

Crazy Lady on an Airplane

Whitney Jefferson · 01/06/10 11:48AM

Flying can be scary enough as it is. We're not sure how we'd handle sitting by this nutjob on a plane. Oh wait, we'd probably film it and upload it to YouTube, just like this group of friends did.

Glenn Beck Mocks a Birther

Pareene · 01/05/10 12:39PM

On his radio show yesterday, popular hysterical demagogue Glenn Beck insulted a "Birther." He noted, correctly, that while he is often accused of being a conspiracist, he has not endorsed the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy. Then, in order to make sure people continued referring to him as a conspiracist, he alleged that calls from birthers were part of an organized White House effort to discredit the opposition. Just like every racist sign at a Tea Party is being held by a secret left-wing provocateur.