Utah's Frontier Justice: Death By Firing Squad
Jeff Neumann · 04/23/10 04:24AMBristol Palin's Devastating Tale of Life Without Sexting
Jeff Neumann · 04/22/10 04:23AMAndrea Peyser Demands More Prison Rape for Criminal Celebs
Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/10 08:26AMMeet Jeffrey Lena, the Vatican's Fauxhemian Lawyer
Jeff Neumann · 04/19/10 04:45AMJury Tells Boy Scouts to Pay for Sex Abuse
Jeff Neumann · 04/14/10 07:00AMBored Deputy Uses Taser on Colleague's Ass
Jeff Neumann · 04/13/10 06:31AMTeabugger Cops Plea
Pareene · 03/26/10 03:29PMDesperate Fan Offers Orgy for World Series Tickets
Jeff Neumann · 03/25/10 04:06AMBalloon Boy Dad Going to Jail; T.I. Is Free
Gabriel Snyder · 12/23/09 12:43PMLet's Bankrupt Bernie Madoff
Owen Thomas · 04/02/09 12:44PMLindsay Lo Handcuffed?
Joshua David Stein · 03/14/09 09:00AMMeet Bernie Madoff's New Pals
Owen Thomas · 03/12/09 04:25PMObama's Brother Locked Up In Nairobi Pot Bust!
Joshua David Stein · 01/31/09 12:29PMStudy: Ridiculous US Movie Theater Violence Up 300% In Last Month
STV · 01/20/09 08:56PMFilmgoer Gets Firing Squad For Talking During 'Benjamin Button'
STV · 12/29/08 01:13PMTV Host Endures Least Brutal Mugging Ever, Bitches to Mayor
Pareene · 12/18/08 09:51AMFarrah Fawcett Cancer Leak Probably Not Worth UCLA Worker's Upcoming Years in Prison
STV · 12/02/08 11:45AM
It seemed like a good idea at the time, we suppose: Sneak celebrities' medical records to the National Enquirer, collect $4,700 and quietly go back to your day job knowing you helped a venerable journalistic institution uphold its mission of transparency and insight into the fraught conditions of Britney Spears, Farrah Fawcett and others. But that was then, and this — a guilty plea and a possible 10-year prison sentence for tabloid source Lawanda Jackson — is now.
Eerily Lifelike 'Scarface' Tribute Premieres in Ohio Jail
STV · 11/18/08 08:35PM
We thought the cult of Scarface — from the quaint, Capone-influenced 1932 original to the salty, bloody 1983 remake and ultimately the 2006 video game — might have struck its apex with the recent publication of the must-read survey Scarface Nation:The Ultimate Gangster Movie and How It Changed America. But another, far less-touted symbol of the gangster story's grip on our national imagination emerged Monday in the unlikeliest of places: Montgomery County, Ohio, where a newly booked suspect struck us with not only the greatest name-homage in film history, but also an uncanny felony cocaine possession rap. Seriously — the video game is great and everything, but this is attention to detail. Click through for a full-size glimpse. [TSG]
South Park Presents: 'Indiana Jones and the Pinball-Machine Rape of Doom'
STV · 10/09/08 11:05AMWe knew George Lucas had a taste for franchise-rape, but our relatively proscribed imaginations prevented us from conjuring the horror of Lucas and accomplice Steven Spielberg forcibly tag-teaming Indiana Jones not once, not twice, but three times in 30 minutes. But that's what South Park is for, we guess, where the mandate to get tanked on Crystal Head Vodka™ and crossbreed cinema's most notorious rape scenes with Indy's own violation was thriving nicely in last night's episode. We've culled one-third of the NSFW nightmare for your viewing pleasure after the jump; expect the filmmakers' "He was asking for it" defense to arrive here later in the day. [Comedy Central]