
Mari and Larry's new loves

ndouglas · 02/03/06 12:50PM

This is utterly gratuitous, but the Mari-and-Larry story has yet another update. Both Google execs have traded up, according to insider tips and some Google holiday party pics. Larry's dating a lovely young lady named Lucy, while Marissa hooked up with Google hottie Dave Jeske.

Don't mention the ex

ndouglas · 01/30/06 01:42PM

With all the profiles of Marissa Mayer in Business Week, Fast Company, and the Observer, which facts are getting the most attention? Here's a guide to media coverage of Google's mascot.

WASPdate: For the Stifled Snob in Us All

Jessica · 01/30/06 12:45PM

We have no idea if a blog calling itself WASPdate is done with any ounce of sincerity — posts about Palm Beach and snifters strike us as a bit too perfect — but it makes us want to wrap ourselves in a St. John's knit and weep:

Craig has a very nice girlfriend, thank you

ndouglas · 01/23/06 03:43PM

eHarmony wants Craig "'s List" Newmark to find true love — so badly that they failed to delete the account that he didn't even sign up for, after promising twice to do so. Craig tell us that he's "committed and happy, thx," but can we really blame eHarmony for assuming the casually geeky Craig needs some love in his life?

Eye on America's Bogus Trends

Jesse · 12/12/05 02:04PM

There's a 1980 Calvin Trillin book called Floater. It's a short, fun comic novel about working at a newsmagazine — the protagonist is a "floater," someone who fills in wherever he's needed each week — and it brilliantly captures some of the standard ridiculousness of life in newsmagland.

Remainders: Peter Braunstein, Man of Many Faces

Jessica · 11/16/05 05:40PM

• The Post runs pictures from accused sex perv Peter Braunstein's "dream wedding," which resulted in a short-lived marriage back in the early 1990's. On a side note, this is about the 15th picture we've seen of Braunstein, and we still have no clue what he looks like. Is the dude some sort of photographic shape-shifter? [NYP]
• Great news: Crack and meth addicts make better financial investments! Time to start treating that bum with a little more respect. [Under the Counter]
• Google technology makes celebrity stalking easy! [Lifehacker]
• Why women like Hilary Swank date men like Chad Lowe: defying Manhattan's romantic caste system. [NYO]
• We've no idea who this Katherine woman is, the mysterious girl who swaps and redistributes prescriptions amongst her friends — but we'd very much like to be her BFF. [NYT]

Lonely? Without a Date? Then Sue!

Jessica · 11/14/05 08:46AM

In a move that leaves us scratching our heads, Civil Court Judge Diane Lebedeff has ruled that two Manhattan women are were entitled to refunds from internet dating service Great Expectations. One woman paid $1000 for six months that yielded absolutely no dates, while another paid $3,790 for a three-year membership full of duds. The latter woman, "Debra Roe," works in financial services and was looking to meet a fellow professional:

What's Wrong With the World

Jessica · 08/11/05 08:55AM

DailyCandy's fratboy brother Thrillist has a quiz today, which answers all those lingering questions about our missing Office box set. Now, next question: Which is the biggest sin?

'Hooking Up' Still Fails to Show Much of Anything

Jessica · 07/29/05 08:58AM

This week's episode of ABC's documentary (which is marketing code for "reality show") Hooking Up, as far as we're concerned, is the last. After all, how many times can Intern Rachel bear to watch real women live out the predictable plot lines of a particularly intolerable episode of Sex and the City? Just like last week, your sister calls the shots after the jump.

Remainders: Reading the HuffPo Causes Acute Huff-Lag

Jessica · 07/26/05 05:30PM

• Our favorite ex-pat Greg Gutfeld dons his labcoat and, after extensive scientific research, comes up with the latest medical scare, Huff-Lag. So that's why we feel sick and depressed whenever we read the HuffPo for too long. [HuffPo]
• On the NYC singles scene: "It's a fashion-y, power, kind of who you know and what you know kind of city." Yeah? And who the fuck are you? [Forbes]
• Precious indie rocker Bright Eyes gets wasted at Glastonbury, talks shit on stage, loses respect of Number One Fan Jonathan Safran Foer. [Buddyhead via Goldenfiddle]
• We remember people hating on capri pants back in 1998. Apparently, they're still hating. Listen: If it's hot as hell outside and you don't like your upper thighs, you don't have a lot of options. Lay off, dudes. [IHateCapriPants]
• Ah, good, now we're not the only website editors with BJ victims around town. [OiNY]
• And there's only one way to end a day like today: What. The. Fuck. [Craigslist]

'Hooking Up' Sucks as Bad as Internet Dating Itself

Jessica · 07/22/05 08:40AM

Last week ABC premiered its latest venture into reality programming, Hooking Up. Slightly masked as a documentary, the show follows a handful of single women as they explore the world of internet dating. What do we learn? That, just like traditional dating, your sister calls the shots. After the jump, Intern Rachel reports.