
Sixth Graders Assigned Venn Diagram of Hitler and George W. Bush

Aleksander Chan · 09/11/14 09:26AM

A teacher at McKinley Middle School in Washington, D.C. sent their sixth grade students home with an assignment from a "war and peace" section in the curriculum: compare and contrast Adolf Hitler and former U.S. President George W. Bush in a Venn diagram. "Both men abused their powers," the teacher apparently explained.

The DC Police Invent Crimes to Arrest "Likely" Criminals

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/14 09:50AM

In Washington, DC, undercover police are concocting elaborate fake robbery plots, and then arresting anyone they can convince to say they will join in. If you mixed the concepts of entrapment and Minority Report-style futurecrimes together, this is what would emerge.

"Deep Throat" Parking Garage to Be Demolished by 2017

Andy Cush · 06/16/14 09:05AM

The county board presiding over Rosslyn, Virginia has voted to allow demolition of a parking garage where the FBI official then known as Deep Throat spilled the Watergate secrets to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward. Goodbye, landmark of American journalism; hello, shopping center!

Hitler's Face Will Appear On Twenty D.C. Buses for the Next Four Weeks

Dayna Evans · 05/17/14 03:00PM

If you live in D.C., get ready for a a few weeks of racism skewed as advertising. Twenty D.C. Metrobuses will feature an advertising campaign that calls for an end to U.S. foreign aid in Islamic countries—accompanied by a picture of Hitler talking to an anti-Jewish Islamic leader during World War II.

DC Firefighters Stood By as an Old Man Died

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/14 11:51AM

Last weekend, Medrick Cecil Mills, 77, collapsed in the street in Washington, DC. Fortunately, he was across the street from a firehouse. Unfortunately, they wouldn't help him.