
Walk Of Fame Zorro Sees Opportunity In Writers Strike

mark · 12/05/07 04:55PM

While we never know exactly what to expect each time Defamer videographer Molly McAleer takes her camera to Hollywood Blvd. to have a chat with one of the Walk of Fame's Polaroid-proffering superheroes (for example: who knew that Reasonably Passable, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has such a hard time with handsy tourists?), we were especially surprised to hear that Zorro, a legendary defender of the powerless against the rich and strong, might see the strike as a great time to launch a writing career.

Rallying Writers Hit Hollywood Blvd., Break Out Their New Strike Anthems

mark · 11/21/07 01:00PM

Once alerted that there would be delicious scones (courtesy of the generous cater-agents of CAA) at yesterday's WGA Solidarity March on Hollywood Blvd., there was no way to keep Defamer videographer/sweet-toothed pastry-junkie Molly McAleer from rushing to the scene of the 4,000-protestor strong rally. And while she mercifully kept the throng's snacking activities off-camera (nobody wants to watch video of writers eating—anyone who's seen a sitcom staff attack the craft services table during a runthrough knows what we're talking about), she did entice a number of Guild picketers to share their favorite strike anthems, all of which exhibited a lyrical complexity that eclipsed the work of featured performer Alicia Keys.

Walk Of Fame Spider-Man May Be Too Sexy For The Hollywood Tourist Crowd

mark · 11/12/07 05:13PM

Somehow finding the one red-costumed individual in this city patrolling a sidewalk in front of a Hollywood landmark with no interest in discussing the WGA strike, Defamer videographer Molly McAleer enjoyed a brief chat with the Chinese Theatre's Reasonably Passable, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, inviting the Polaroid-proferring hero to share his origin story.

WGA Picketers At The Fox Rally Give Rupert Murdoch A Piece Of Their Minds

mark · 11/09/07 07:14PM

For the next leg of her continuing tour of the hottest WGA picket lines in Hollywood, a journey that recently brought her to Paramount to witness the birth of the strike's first sidewalk-theater group, we dispatched Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to today's massive rally at Fox Plaza, as the gates of other studio headquarters were being patrolled only by the usual, non-Guild teams of tourists, vagrants, and sex workers.

Defamer Visits The Paramount Picket Line

mark · 11/07/07 07:29PM

In an effort to document for posterity how some of the striking writers tasked with pacing the sidewalks outside of Hollywood's temporarily stalled dream-fabricating factories spent this third, historic day of picketing, we dispatched Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to the Paramount lot, hoping that her bribes of tasty donuts (the beer we offered was less well-received; we suppose the drinking has to wait until happy hour at Lucy's across the street) would encourage some of the protesting scribes to open up for the camera.

The Hollywood Blvd. All-Stars Review Britney Spears' 'Blackout'

mark · 10/30/07 05:07PM

In the unlikely event that it's slipped your mind, today marks the official release of the most anticipated comeback in the history of music, Britney Spears' Blackout, a record that the erstwhile pop-star, her label, and the intermittently estranged children who want their momma to start earning a living again desperately need to make the public forget about the vagina-flashing, VMA-trainwrecking desperation of her post-In The Zone life.

Captain Jack Sparrow, Homer Simpson React To The O.J. Situation

mark · 09/24/07 03:25PM

Concerned that Hollywood's most interesting voices were being willfully ignored by the mainstream media in the aftermath of O.J. Simpson's daring, if ill-fated, Las Vegas sports-memorabilia heist, we sent tireless Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to Grauman's Chinese Theater's intellectually vibrant public square to document the reactions of some of the insightful cultural pundits who tirelessly patrol the Walk of Fame. Had our intrepid reporter not made the journey, the world may never have had heard fellow incorrigible outlaw Captain Jack Sparrow empathize with O.J.'s vigilantism, or listen as a clearly distressed Homer Simpson laments how the tabloid-industrial complex is unfairly monetizing his distant cousin's troubles.

Inside The O'Quinn Fashion Show At Falcon

mark · 09/21/07 06:43PM

As regular readers of this site already know, we are so shamefully fashion-obsessed that we waste a good half-hour each morning fretting about whether the tattered pair of boxers we've chosen to wear to "the office" that day properly complements at least one of our mismatched socks. Accordingly, we dispatched videographer Molly McAleer to the O'Quinn Fashion Show at Falcon last night, instructing her to return with footage from the event that might inspire us to even greater sartorial heights.

Working The Carpet At The Maxim Style Awards

mark · 09/19/07 06:44PM

Having subjected Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to a number of assignments on the filthy sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard, we decided it was time she got to class things up a bit and tote her camera to a red carpet, so we dispatched her to the Maxim Style Awards at Avalon last night to see what would happen. Unsurprisingly, an encounter with party ubiquity Bai Ling ensued (who we're not entirely sure exists outside of the event circuit), as did some firing squad time with Brady-loving former Top Model Adrianne Curry. Part I of Molly's video report is above, while the thrilling conclusion—starring a dude from Weeds who discusses his co-star's recent adoption news—follows after the jump:

Jamie Foxx Feels The Love At His Walk of Fame Ceremony

mark · 09/17/07 06:47PM

As we briefly mentioned on our way out the door on Friday afternoon, the Oscar-winning Jamie Foxx, star of such big-screen entertainments as Bait, Stealth, and critically acclaimed prophylactic-acquisition farce Booty Call, received his very own slab of Hollywood Walk of Fame immortality. Confident that Foxx's star-laying ceremony would generate more local excitement than that of previous honoree Vin "America's Funniest Testes-Traumatizing Home Videos" Di Bona, Defamer videographer Molly McAleer once again decided to thrust her camera lens where it probably didn't belong, basking in the eardrum-bursting love provided by the enthusiastic throng of Fox fans who turned out for the event.

Informal Polling Reveals Kanye West Outpacing 50 Cent In Local Sales Race

mark · 09/13/07 04:17PM

Publicity averse hip-hop artists Kanye West and 50 Cent, as you may have heard, have mutually agreed to participate in a "feud" over the sales of their just-released albums, wherein 50 has promised to retire if West's CD outsells his, and West has pledged to suffer a marginally more intense conniption of wounded self-regard at the next awards show that fails to recognize his greatness if outdone by his rival. As we're deeply invested in the outcome of this competition, we dispatched Defamer videographer Molly McAleer to Hollywood's Amoeba Records for an update on the early results of the local sales race and some incisive analysis of the rapping frenemies.

Hollywood Blvd. Reacts To Britney's Bad Night

mark · 09/10/07 07:54PM

Sensing that Hollywood Blvd.'s legendary pop-culture-dissecting minds might have something to say about Britney Spears' disastrous VMA performance, Defamer videographer Molly McAleer grabbed her trusty camcorder and headed for the talking-head paradise that is the sidewalk outside of the Kodak Theatre, where a talkative cross-section of fans from around the world were more than happy to offer their reviews. For those who find the assessments of the Walk of Fame opinion-havers unfairly negative, we direct you to's penetrating piece analyzing What Went Wrong, which found at least one anonymous truth-teller willing to defy the anti-Britney thought police:

Defamer Goes To The 'American Gladiator' Auditions

mark · 09/10/07 03:53PM

After pummeling our readers with the endlessly depressing discussion of the ongoing, precipitous decline phase of a once-meteoric show business career, we suppose that it's time to offer them the uplifting stories of those whose dreams of one day having thousands of flashbulbs directed at their accidentally exposed genitalia are still very much alive.

Hollywood Blvd. Reacts To Whoopi's First Day On 'The View'

mark · 09/05/07 02:56PM

Unsatisfied by Rosie O'Donnell's disappointingly cursory video review of Whoopi Goldberg's controversial first day on The View ("Whoopi was good," said Rosie in the middle of critiquing the show's new, beige-heavy set), Defamer videographer Molly McAleer decided to take her camera to the sidewalk outside of Grauman's historic Chinese Theater, home to some of Hollywood's most outspoken and insightful media critics, for more penetrating appraisals of the show's new co-host. Unfortunately, her subjects had not yet seen Whoopi's debut, but that didn't stop them from decrying the conspirators who ousted Rosie for her 9/11 truth-telling, holding forth on Elizabeth Hasselbeck's intellect and spank-worthiness, or sharing anecdotes about their second-degree connections to the dreadlocked comedian.