In the unlikely event that it's slipped your mind, today marks the official release of the most anticipated comeback in the history of music, Britney Spears' Blackout, a record that the erstwhile pop-star, her label, and the intermittently estranged children who want their momma to start earning a living again desperately need to make the public forget about the vagina-flashing, VMA-trainwrecking desperation of her post-In The Zone life.

As we are wont to do on such important occasions, we sent indefatigable Defamer videographer Molly McAleer down to Hollywood Boulevard earlier this afternoon to share some of Britney's new tracks with the Walk of Fame's finest critics; we don't want to spoil too many of the video's surprises (especially a cameo by a previous Defamer on the Street contributor), but even the Chinese Theatre's Man of Steel seemed willing to let Spears' music once again touch his Kryptonian heart.