Which Movie Star is a Glenn Beck Fanatic?
Brian Moylan · 12/05/11 09:04AMWhich Actress Doesn't Know Who Is the Father of Her Baby?
Brian Moylan · 12/02/11 09:37AMDallas: Never as Good as the First Time
Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 06:06PMNeil Patrick Harris Wants to Be Regis Philbin Real Bad
Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 12:18PMIn case you didn't think that gay jack-of-all-trade Neil Patrick Harris didn't want to fill the seat on Coffee Klatch: LIVE! vacated by Regis Philbin, he actually pretended to be Regis this morning while guest hosting with celebrity fag hag Kelly Ripa.
John Carter: A Hunky Earthling Takes Over Mars
Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 10:17AMThe only thing I like more than a special effects-heavy sci-fi action movie set is a special effects-heavy sci-fi action movie where the male protagonists don't wear shirts. Behold John Carter, where stunningly topless Taylor Kitsch fights crazy creatures, little green men, and the hordes of women (and gays) that will be lusting after him once it comes out.
Which Actor's Mom Is Dating His Best Friend?
Brian Moylan · 12/01/11 09:54AMMario Batali's Fat Ass Broke a Bed
Brian Moylan · 11/30/11 05:35PMKnow what is funnier than fat people falling or breaking things? Famous fat people falling or breaking things. Know what's funnier than that? When it happens on national television.
Ghost On Broadway Will Kill You with Awfulness
Brian Moylan · 11/30/11 02:20PMGlee: Pray the Gay Away
Brian Moylan · 11/30/11 12:40PMAlright, guys, I have a confession to make: I broke Glee. Well, maybe not me alone, but I think I done broke it. I told it to stop being an insane mess that makes no sense and now it's just...a boring mess that makes no sense. Man, last night.