
Top Ten Rules for a Top Ten List

Nick Douglas · 12/19/06 08:58PM

NICK DOUGLAS — There are two types of top ten lists: the ones on Letterman, and, well, funny ones. The latter is neither. Instead, it's ten real rules for making attention-getting top ten lists.

The Tech Villain Dream Team

Nick Douglas · 12/19/06 01:19AM

NICK DOUGLAS — "Do you expect me to talk?" "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"

The nine most surprisingly great business moves of 2006

Nick Douglas · 12/14/06 03:16PM

NICK DOUGLAS — Good deals are obvious. Great deals are not. News Corp's $580-million purchase of MySpace was "Murdoch's Folly" no more when Google paid $900 million to power MySpace search. In that spirit, here are the top nine business moves from 2006 that don't make sense — at first. Below, the video that started Deal #1.

Ten Bad-Ass Bots

Nick Douglas · 12/12/06 06:24PM

NICK DOUGLAS — Forget RoboCop — the real bad dude in the '87 film is the massive ED-209. But this bumbling behemoth — its one weakness was stairs — couldn't beat Tom Servo in a battle of wits. Here they are, with video of eight other badass sci-fi robots. In the deleted scene below, ED-209 pumps some rounds into a businessman. Cathartic but not safe for work.

Top Ten Tech Words of 2006

Nick Douglas · 12/11/06 06:33PM

NICK DOUGLAS — This was not a healthy year for the language, but it was damn good for technolinguists. Words like *Camp and Web 3.0 built on the popular buzzwords of earlier years, while Wikiality and Series of Tubes mocked the silliness of the Internet. For the top ten words in tech this year:

10 ways to abuse children with gadgets

Nick Douglas · 12/08/06 02:34PM

NICK DOUGLAS — The Wall Street Journal published a scare-story today on how handheld devices make parents neglect their children. Children "are fearful that parents will be distracted by emails while driving, concerned about Mom and Dad's shortening attention spans and exasperated by their parents' obsession with their gadgets."

The 7 mistakes that event-holders make

Nick Douglas · 12/07/06 06:07PM

NICK DOUGLAS — It's 8 PM and I'm bored, hungry and sober. What went wrong? I'm at one of the thousands of poorly-planned events that plague the business world. While this is a Silicon Valley blog, the following rules apply to all industries. Here are the seven ways that businesses and organizations ruin events:

The 8 People You Meet on Digg

Nick Douglas · 12/06/06 08:48PM

NICK DOUGLAS — Digg may not be heaven, but it's sure damn close. If you enter this big weird world of Diggers, submitters, and buriers, you'd better know who you're dealing with.