
Tennessee Man Cries Blood

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 10/19/13 12:48PM

A Tennessee man uncontrollably cries blood, leaving him without a job and out of school.

Middle Eastern Terror Virus is Worse than SARS

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/13 08:40AM

What is the backwards and uncivilized Middle East doing now to thank us for our work "stabilizing" their region, with explosives? They are dying from a brand new virus that researchers now say is "deadlier than SARS." How long before you, too, are dead?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/13 10:40AM

By 2050, 13.8 million Americans are projected have Alzheimer's. I said, by 2050... forget it.

Can Blood Transfusions Cure HIV?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/13 02:22PM

Welcome to our science-like weekly feature, "Hey, Science," in which we will have our most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for us to tackle, theoretically speaking. This week, experts address a Gawker reader's wacky theory: Can massive blood transfusions be used to treat AIDS?

This Week in Natural Disappearances

Mallory Ortberg · 12/22/12 01:06PM

Should you care to hear about the vanishing of bats, islands that melt under the relentless hand of time, and the problems facing modern birds, then this is the week for you. I even managed to scrounge up a bit of cave-related news, although I should warn you now, it isn't very good news. I never promised you I would only bring you rosy-colored cave information; I only promised to talk about caves as much as I possibly could before someone at Gawker Headquarters got wise and fired me.

On Top of Everything Else, There's Whooping Cough

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/12 08:55AM

Economic decline, unemployment, political strife, violence, taxes, crying kids, lazy spouses, broken homes, filthy streets, unwatered lawns, stubbed toes, cracked iPhone screens, food stuck in your teeth. Where does it end? Well, as if that weren't enough to worry about, add one more thing to the list: whooping cough. Yep. There's an outbreak right now. Worst one in half a century. Vaccines wearing off, and whatnot. As if we needed that. Ain't it always something?

Oregonian Religious Nuts Are Going to Give Us All Measles

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/12 01:38PM

There is a certain percentage of the population that objects to giving their kids vaccinations, because of stuff like Jesus, some book, Jenny McCarthy, whatever. You know, crazy people. Fine, in isolated instances. But when the crazy people reach a critical mass, we all die.

Fat Old Women: Now That's Funny

Hamilton Nolan · 12/27/11 03:19PM

New painkiller! Holiday eating! Gum health! Infant drugs! Fat ladies! Swine flu! Coma boy! Allergy cats! And a foolproof stop smoking plan that just might work! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—fatalistically!

Insane Parents Now Buying and Selling Chicken Pox Lollipops

Max Read · 11/05/11 04:46PM

A U.S. Attorney in Tenn. has been forced to remind parents not to buy or sell lollipops that have been spat on or licked by children with infectious diseases like chicken pox. So much for the "free market" in Barry Soetero's America, eh?

Science: T. Rex Big, Scary

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 04:24PM

Magnetic senses! Big dinosaurs! Old paint! Inca takeovers! Black Death! Silk age! Restless volcano! Polar maps! And a wondrous universe of abundant carbon atoms! It's your Thursday Science Watch, where we watch science—with gravitas!

Will Gamers Discover the Cure for AIDS?

Lauri Apple · 09/18/11 07:08PM

Using Foldit, a collaborative online game that any old schmuck with a computer can download for free off the Internet, some video game players have solved a complicated monkey-virus puzzle that has confounded scientists for more than a decade. Are scientists stupid?