
CNN Should Stop Inviting This Horrible Bigot to Talk on TV

Sam Biddle · 02/22/16 06:41PM

There are very few people who can speak about their personal connections to Donald Trump who aren’t hideous in some way, but that doesn’t mean CNN should keep asking Roger Stone, a bad person, to be a guest.

Watching Ted Cruz Come Up Short in South Carolina

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/22/16 04:46PM

GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA— On Saturday, the day of South Carolina’s Republican primary election, Ted Cruz’s Greenville campaign office was buzzing with volunteers—and at least one man who said he was with Keep the Promise, the super PAC that operates as Cruz’s hugely well-funded shadow campaign apparatus.

Melania Trump Spoke Last Night—Check It Out

Brendan O'Connor · 02/21/16 09:55PM

Here is what Melania Trump, a woman of few words, had to say in South Carolina on Saturday, as her husband took one more improbable step towards securing the Republican nomination for president: “Congratulations to my husband, he was working very hard.”

Donald Trump Advocates Shooting Muslims With Bullets Dipped in Pig’s Blood

J.K. Trotter · 02/19/16 10:43PM

At his Friday rally in North Charleston, South Carolina, the billionaire racist and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump held forth on a variety of policy issues—including the Affordable Care Act, the intransigence of Congress, and Japan’s devaluation of the yen—before diving, headfirst, into an email chain hoax involving Muslims, pig blood, and a World War I-era Army officer. The relevant section starts at 33:00 in the video above; you can listen to secondary audio, captured by Gawker’s Gabrielle Bluestone (and beginning at 8:00), in the SoundCloud player below:

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski Are Getting Just a Tiny Bit Unhinged Over All the Trump Criticism

Andy Cush · 02/19/16 11:26AM

Below, we have a 10-minute segment from today’s Morning Joe in which co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski address the criticism that they are too friendly with Donald Trump to cover him objectively. To give you a sense of the tenor of the video, Mika shouts about pizza within the first three minutes, and Joe closes it by whispering like a comic book villain.

Donald Trump on Michael Jackson: A Remembrance

Brendan O'Connor · 02/18/16 11:30PM

On Thursday, when asked by Anderson Cooper what kind of music he listens to, Donald Trump launched into a remembrance of his friend, Michael Jackson.

Donald Trump Advocated for Invading Iraq in 2002 Howard Stern Interview

Brendan O'Connor · 02/18/16 10:55PM

Lately, Donald Trump has claimed, repeatedly and emphatically but without providing any evidence, that he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq not only after it became clear that it was a mistake, but before it even hapened. But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, uncovered by BuzzFeed News, when asked whether he would support an Iraq invasion, Trump said that he would. “Yeah I guess so,” Trump replied. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.”

The Dueling Town Hall and GOP South-Humping Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 02/17/16 07:54PM

Tonight’s going to be weird. In one corner, we have Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Carson engaging in an ostensibly civil “town hall” on CNN (the other three get their shot tomorrow night). In the other corner, Donald Trump and Joe Scarborough will be doing... something. Either way, we’ll be liveblogging every last second of it.