
Trump Is Losing Now (According to One Poll)

Alex Pareene · 02/17/16 06:06PM

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Donald Trump in second place, at 26 percent, to first-place Ted Cruz, at 28 percent. This is, as Philip Bump notes, “the first major poll in which Trump hasn’t led the field nationally since October.” That is another way of saying this poll is an outlier.

Donald Trump Lied About Iraq

Brendan O'Connor · 02/14/16 11:01PM

At the Republican debate on Saturday, Donald Trump declared, “I’m the only one on this stage that said: ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’ Nobody else on this stage said that. And I said it loud and strong.” This is—as the man himself might say—a big fat lie.

Trump: Bush Lied, People Died

Ashley Feinberg · 02/13/16 10:07PM

When you’re already the white supremacist candidate of choice—how do you top yourself? Easily, apparently—just get the truthers behind you. Which is why Trump just went full on “Bush lied, people died.”

Donald Trump Won’t NOT Sue Ted Cruz

Ashley Feinberg · 02/12/16 03:44PM

Remember when Donald Trump kept insisting that he was only bringing up Ted Cruz’s citizen status because he was worried the Democrats might sue?

The Best Theory of 1992: Donald Trump Took Amphetamine-Like Diet Pills

Sam Biddle · 02/11/16 03:15PM

What, beyond a team of university psychologists, could explain the mechanism of Donald Trump’s mind? In the early 1990s, two journalists thought they’d figured it out, claiming Trump was fighting his overwhelming fear of being fat with a steady stream of amphetamine-like diet pills.

Here’s a Nice Drawing

Ashley Feinberg · 02/11/16 01:00PM

Donald Trump almost certainly has a dick. This much we know. What we don’t know (and let’s hope that never changes) is what that dick actually looks like. Artist Illma Gore, though, has an idea. And thanks to her most recent artwork, that idea is about to be seared into your memory.

Trump's Lawyers Argue That Univision Should Have Known He Was a Horrible Racist Xenophobe

Brendan O'Connor · 02/11/16 12:25AM

Last summer, Donald Trump filed a $500 million lawsuit against Univision for breach of contract and defamation after the network dumped the Miss Universe pageant (of which Trump was, at the time, a part owner) following the racist unveiling of his presidential campaign. Univision wants the suit dismissed, arguing that Trump’s comments constituted a “cataclysmic” event that voided the contract, the New York Daily News reports. Trump’s lawyers, however, have argued that the remarks were “foreseeable”—that is to say, Univision knew what they were getting.

What Color Is Donald Trump's Face?

Sam Biddle · 02/10/16 02:45PM

If there’s anything more erratic than what Donald Trump says or thinks, it’s the hues of the flesh surrounding his mouth and brain, that fluorescent, noxious stink-maker known as his face. In New Hampshire last night, the only question more compelling than “can he really win?” was “what color will his face be?”