
If This Terrible Primary Season Goes On Like This, People Might Actually Have to Vote

Tom Scocca · 01/19/16 06:34PM

This morning’s New York Times had two front-page stories about politics that were really one story. One was about the fact that Republicans who identify as evangelical Christians are rallying behind the aggressively impious figure of Donald Trump. The other was about how Hillary Clinton’s campaign is desperately trying to get ready for a prolonged state-by-state nominating contest against Bernie Sanders.

White Nationalists Still Love Trump, Even After He Denounced Their Robocall

Andy Cush · 01/19/16 02:08PM

Donald Trump, a presidential candidate whose campaign has been a little too much even for former KKK grand wizard David Duke, received some perhaps unwelcome support this month in the form of a pro-Trump robocall from an openly white nationalist group. After a considerable amount of prodding, CNN’s Erin Burnett got the candidate to go on record disavowing the group’s endorsement last week, but according to its leader, there’s really no hard feelings at all.

Welcome to the Donald Trump MLK Day Speech Disaster Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 01/18/16 10:32AM

Today at 10:30 a.m., in the year of Lord 2016, Donald John Trump, Sr. will take to the stage at weaponized Christianity training institute Liberty University to give a speech about... something. Presumably Martin Luther King, Jr. will be involved, as will one of Donald Trump’s favorite books, the Bible. And of course, freedom.

British Parliament Formally Debates Banning Donald Trump From the UK

Ashley Feinberg · 01/18/16 09:37AM

Today, about 11:30 a.m. Eastern, members of British Parliament are going to take to the floor and do something a lot of Americans have likely been dreaming of: Discuss whether or not to formally ban Donald Trump from the country for hate speech.

Sensitive New Yorkers Are Very Upset With Ted Cruz For Criticizing New York City

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/16 09:45AM

To any reasonable observer, including and especially its own residents, New York City is a swirling vortex of greed, debauchery and sin. Over the past few days, Tea Party hero and Texas Senator Ted Cruz has correctly, if awkwardly and ham-fistedly, noted the hard reality of “New York values” in the course of criticizing his opponent (and perhaps the most famous New Yorker on the planet), Donald Trump. A spokesperson for a Cruz-supporting SuperPAC recently told reporters, “New York is home to many wonderful people and places, but the emphasis is more on money than morality, on self-aggrandizement than humility.” And during Thursday night’s GOP debate, Cruz added, “Everybody understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal and pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage. And focus on money and the media.”

Donald Trump Campaign Now Clearly Endangering the Well-Being of Children

Jordan Sargent · 01/14/16 03:30PM

Yesterday’s Donald Trump rally in Pensacola, Fla. featured all the hits: Crazy depraved old people in bad hats, mutual masturbation to the thought of a very large wall, and Trump himself publicly berating somebody for a minor perceived mistake. But it also featured what stands as a new classic in the Trump canon: a troupe of young girls clumsily performing a rather horrible pop song written in his honor.

Governor of Former Slave State: We’ve Never Had Racist Laws

Ashley Feinberg · 01/13/16 05:59PM

Nikki Haley, who not-so-subtly addressed Trump’s call to ban all Muslim immigrants during last night’s State of the Union response, has responded to criticism from Trump by holding fast to her position. And also by apparently forgetting that slavery, Jim Crow laws, and the Trail of Tears (along with the rest of a not at all insignificant portion of American history) ever happened.

Crowd Heckles Trump as Standup Set Starts to Taper 

Ashley Feinberg · 01/11/16 01:27PM

Donald Trump, a drunk court jester who’s been roving the country doing racist Chris Farley impersonations for packed stadiums, was a little off earlier today. And as has happened to struggling comedians since time immemorial, Donald Trump got heckled.

Not-Canadian Ted Cruz Forced to Defend His Eligibility to Be President

Brendan O'Connor · 01/10/16 09:27PM

Recently, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been raising the question of his rival Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president, implying that, because he was born in Canada, he is not a “natural-born citizen.” He is, of course, but that hardly seems to matter.