
Donald Trump's Pro-Discrimination Spokesperson Once Sued Employer for Racial Discrimination

Sam Biddle · 01/08/16 10:05AM

Katrina Pierson is an impressive figure, if only for her ability to out-batshit her employer, Donald Trump. She serves as a campaign spokesperson and talking head, frequently appearing on cable news to offer summaries of Trump’s, discriminatory policy proposals and his general hardline xenophobia and bigotry—which makes it, perhaps, a little funny that once she sued her boss for racial discrimination.

Ezra Klein Cannot Explain Donald Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 01/06/16 12:20AM

On Tuesday, Ezra Klein, the editor-in-chief of, a website that largely traffics in “explainers”—its Twitter profile commands readers, “Understand the news”—offered his explanation for how Donald Trump is going to lose the Republican nomination for president: “Trump could just ... not win.” Understand?

It's Weird to Insinuate a Guy You Invited to Your Wedding Is a Rapist

Sam Biddle · 01/05/16 05:58PM

On yesterday’s episode of the conservative Howie Carr Show, Donald Trump was asked to describe the difference between Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby, a man accused of raping tens of women. His answer: “you almost have to ask Bill Clinton that question.”

Donald Trump Spokesperson Wears Necklace of Real Bullets on CNN

Sam Biddle · 12/30/15 01:21PM

Katrina Pierson, a person Donald Trumps chooses to represent him on television, wore a necklace made out of ammunition last night on CNN. When someone on Twitter pointed this out, she countered with an insane remark about abortion.