J.K. Trotter · 12/24/15 04:35PMCounterpoint: Marco Rubio's Hairline Is Strong and Getting Stronger
Tom Scocca · 12/22/15 09:35AMDonald Trump Has Gone Soft, Refuses To Murder Journalists
Melissa Cronin · 12/21/15 09:02PMBad Person Megyn Kelly Will Again Battle Worse Person Donald Trump on Live TV
Sam Biddle · 12/21/15 04:00PMTrump Embraces Putin's Praise: “Nobody Has Proven That He’s Killed Anyone"
Brendan O'Connor · 12/20/15 04:33PMClinton's Claim that Trump Is ISIS' Best Recruiter Not Precisely True
Brendan O'Connor · 12/20/15 02:26PMGuess How Many Testicles Hitler Had
Ashley Feinberg · 12/19/15 12:42PMJeb Bush, Spiraling Out of Control, Calls Donald Trump a 'Jerk'
Melissa Cronin · 12/19/15 12:07PMDonald Trump's Putin Admiration Is Completely Within the Political Mainstream
Alex Pareene · 12/18/15 12:55PM
Donald Trump’s most important purely political skill (that is, one not directly related to his abilities as an entertainer and performer) is his ability to intuit what the great angry mass of movement conservatives wish their gutless leaders would say, and then say it. Other Republicans dogwhistle. Trump dispenses with coded language and simply says: We should deport all the illegals. We should ban all Muslim immigration. And now, on Vladimir Putin: “He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country.”
Trump On Concerns His New Fan Putin Kills Journalists: "At Least He's a Leader"
Allie Jones · 12/18/15 10:25AMIn a news conference yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin called Donald Trump “a bright and talented person” and “the absolute leader of the presidential race.” Trump loved this, obviously. Today on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, he declared, “When people call you brilliant it’s always good. Especially when the person heads up Russia.” Trump then proceeded to ham-handedly defend his new buddy Putin against accusations that he kills journalists.
You Might Think Ethnic Cleansing Is Bad, But–
Alex Pareene · 12/16/15 04:50PM
Quick question. Which is worse for “democracy” and “discourse”: A prominent public figure, with a large following composed mainly of increasingly enraged (and generally well-armed) members of America’s dominant but shrinking ethnic majority, spending months issuing vocal and repeated calls for the elimination of certain religious and ethnic outgroups from the body politic; or the act of “unfriending” people with annoying or offensive beliefs on a social networking platform? The answer—or, at least, one Washington Post writer’s answer—may surprise you.
Donald Trump Wants to "Penetrate the Internet," Doesn't Know What the Internet Is
Sam Biddle · 12/16/15 11:55AMDonald Trump uses the internet a lot, sure. But based on his answer from last night’s debate on how he would “shut down” parts of the internet to combat ISIS, he doesn’t actually know what the internet “is” or “anything about how it works.”
Trump Supporter Yells as Black Protestor Manhandled: "Light the Motherfucker on Fire!"
Sam Biddle · 12/14/15 11:27PMDonald Trump "Will Be the Healthiest Individual Ever Elected to the Presidency," Doctor Incredibly Claims
Sam Biddle · 12/14/15 02:16PMWill Ferrell Resurrects George W. Bush on SNL, Because Now Anything Is a Better Option Than Trump
Melissa Cronin · 12/13/15 10:24AMTed Cruz Blows Past Donald Trump in Latest Iowa Polls
Melissa Cronin · 12/12/15 06:20PMThe Dream Ticket: Trump-Carson (Independent)
Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/15 12:52PMDemocrats Decide Trump Isn't Funny Anymore as Americans Choke on Their Existential Dread
Brendan O'Connor · 12/10/15 09:25PM
Americans are more afraid of terrorism than at any other time since 9/11’s immediate aftermath, according to a new poll. Meanwhile, Democrats find themselves in the uncomfortable position of having to take seriously the man who declared tonight anyone who found guilty of killing a cop should be executed.