Trump Built a Monument to a Fake Civil War Battle on His Golf Course
Allie Jones · 11/24/15 12:55PMTrump Says He Watched People Jump Out of the World Trade Center on 9/11 From His Apartment 4 Miles Away
Brendan O'Connor · 11/23/15 11:07PMTo Donald Trump, RTs ≠ Endorsements
Melissa Cronin · 11/23/15 09:01PMDonald Trump Cites Washington Post Reporter on 9/11 Claims; Reporter Says "That Was Not the Case"
Melissa Cronin · 11/23/15 08:03PMGot Trump's Video of "Thousands and Thousands" of New Jersey Residents Cheering on 9/11? We'll Pay For It
Ashley Feinberg · 11/23/15 05:38PM
On two separate occasions this weekend, increasingly less-crypto crypto-fascist Donald Trump made reference to a video of thousands of Arab-Americans in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering as the Twin Towers fell on 9/11. Thus far, absolutely no one has been able to verify this claim, most likely because the video never actually existed in the first place. But on the infinitesimally small chance it is out there and you’ve got it—we want to see it and we’re willing to pay.
New Trump Ad: Hillary Clinton Cackles as Benghazi Burns
Ashley Feinberg · 11/23/15 03:32PMDonald Trump Cherishes Men Also
Allie Jones · 11/23/15 12:10PMChris Christie Throws New Jersey Under the Bus Just in Case Voters Like That
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/23/15 11:08AM
This weekend Donald Trump described personally witnessing “thousands and thousands” of people in New Jersey cheering as the towers came down on 9/11. Cue New Jersey governor Chris Christie, who is not going to stand for that, unless it helps him with voters—does anyone know if it will help him with voters?
Donald Trump Invokes Long-Discredited Rumor About Arabs in New Jersey Celebrating 9/11 Attacks
Brendan O'Connor · 11/22/15 07:14PMNoted Racist Donald Trump Tweets Out Anti-Black Propaganda
Ashley Feinberg · 11/22/15 04:25PM
Perpetual embarrassment Donald Trump can look almost thoughtful next to his rock-solid, occasionally violent base of racist voters. Except, of course, when he doesn’t. Like this afternoon, for instance, when Donald Trump tweeted out a patently false, race-baiting image just one day after his supporters tried to beat the shit out of a Black Lives Matter protestor.
Donald Trump Won't Rule Out an Independent Campaign, Even After Pledging Not To Run
Melissa Cronin · 11/22/15 10:42AMDonald Trump Supporters Filmed Kicking, Punching Black Lives Matter Protester at Rally in Alabama
Melissa Cronin · 11/21/15 05:51PMMarco Rubio: We Need to Close Anywhere Muslims Go
Ashley Feinberg · 11/20/15 12:15PMTrump Doubles Down on Implementation of Mandatory Database for Muslims in America
Brendan O'Connor · 11/19/15 11:17PMDonald Trump Plans to Do "Frankly Unthinkable" Things if Elected President
Andy Cush · 11/19/15 01:30PMDonald Trump Definitely Would Have Died in the Paris Attacks
Jordan Sargent · 11/18/15 05:15PMJealous of Donald Trump's Body? It Can Be Yours
Allie Jones · 11/18/15 04:11PMDonald Trump: I Am the Nostradamus of Terrorism
Ashley Feinberg · 11/17/15 11:45AMThe Best Parts of Donald Trump's Most Insane, Incoherent Stump Speech Yet
Ashley Feinberg · 11/13/15 03:25PMLast night, a fever dream-addled Donald Trump performed free association, spoken word poetry to the unsuspecting people of Iowa under the guise of a stump speech. Trump clearly hasn’t slept in days, he’s repeating staple phrases though ever so slightly off, and he calls everyone cheering for him an idiot. It is, perhaps, the single most perfect example of American rhetoric ever.