SoHo Face
Brian Moylan · 04/09/10 05:40PMDonald Trump's Employees Can't Even Pay the Quaaludes Bill
Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/10 01:24PMOverpaid, Entitled Hacks Who Destroyed the Financial System Want to Be on TV Now
John Cook · 04/05/10 02:06PMDonald Trump Blames Golf for Tiger Woods' Cheating Ways
Richard Lawson · 04/02/10 11:19AMMadonna Wishes Her Daughter Didn't Dress Like Such a Tart
Maureen O'Connor · 04/01/10 07:00AMDonald Trump to Solve the Country's Unemployment Problem on Television
Brian Moylan · 03/17/10 04:50PMOn The Celebrity Apprentice, Blagojevich is Still a Liar and Trump Still Hates O'Donnell
Matt Cherette · 03/15/10 02:33AMNext 3-D Movie Extravaganza: The Bible
Maureen O'Connor · 03/09/10 12:51AMThe Trump Name Is Only Worth Something to Donald Trump
Brian Moylan · 02/26/10 02:28PMDouche of the Decade Joe Francis' Douchebaggy Tax Problems Douchebaggily Disappear
Foster Kamer · 02/14/10 11:30AMDonald Trump to Jay Leno: "You're Fired!"
Matt Cherette · 02/10/10 03:15PMMarc Jacobs Disses Madonna; Rachel Uchitel Gets a Job
cityfile · 02/10/10 08:14AM
• Marc Jacobs says he's totally over having celebrities at his fashion shows because it's boring, and the only reason Lady Gaga and Madonna turned up to his show last year was because Gaga was performing at the after-party and Madonna, well, she just showed up. "She came backstage, and I was like, 'What do you do with her now?' Because it's not like she was invited." Somewhere, Madonna is burning all of her Marc Jacobs clothing. [P6]
• Rumors have been swirling recently that Ben Affleck fell off the wagon recently and is now drinking again. (He checked himself into rehab back in 2001.) On Monday, a bearded Affleck was spotted "cruising aimlessly" at the Chateau Marmont and "looking worse for wear." Uh oh. [NYDN]
• Tiger Woods mistress No. 1, Rachel Uchitel, has scored herself a job. A day after sitting down with Extra's Mario Lopez for an interview and now the show has hired her as its new nightlife correspondent. Just like hooker-turned-sex columnist Ashley Dupre, Uchitel is proving that you can make a big bunch of terrible decisions in life and come out ahead in the end, provided you have no shame and a burning desire to be famous. [P6]
A-Rod's Latest Catch; Donald Trump's Denial
cityfile · 02/09/10 08:17AM
• Alex Rodriguez's plan to bed every woman in Hollywood continues apace. The Yankee and Cameron Diaz are now hooking up, according to OK!, although now that the news is out, he's probably already moved on to someone new. Which is too bad, really, since RodDiaz has a nice ring to it. [OK!]
• Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, was charged with involuntary manslaughter yesterday. (He pleaded not guilty and faces up to four years behind bars if convicted.) At the arraignment, prosecutors asked that Murray's medical license be revoked, but a judge turned down the request, so if you've been wondering what it's like to get pumped up with propofol, you still have time. [NYP, TMZ]
• It's been a busy week for Angelina Jolie. Yesterday she and Brad Pitt said they plan to sue Britain's News of the World for reporting that they're planning to divorce. And today she's off to Haiti to meet with earthquake victims, since they've been requesting her help—or so she says. [Us, PE]
• She may have spent every episode of Jersey Shore whining about not having a boyfriend, but Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi seems to have landed the man of her dreams: a "typical guido juicehead with a good personality," who also has waxed eyebrows, double-pierced ears, and a penchant for Ed Hardy. [NYDN]
• Despite recent reports that Donald and Melania Trump are having marriage troubles, The Donald says "all is well." Then again he said the same thing when his casinos were going bankrupt and his real estate holdings were imploding, so you may want to take his denial with a grain of salt. [People]
cityfile · 01/29/10 11:02AM
On Monday, the owners of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village gave up control of the sprawling apartment complex after defaulting on its loans. (Tishman Speyer and BlackRock paid $5.4 billion for the property at the height of the housing bubble; it's now worth less than half of that.) Now the Post reports a bidding war is breaking out as various real estate companies look to take over control of the complex, and—as if Stuy Town residents haven't suffered enough the past few months—one of the contenders is none other than Donald Trump. [NYP]
Is This the End of Brangelina?
cityfile · 01/25/10 08:23AM
• Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie splitting up? That's what Britain's News of the World reported over the weekend, suggesting the (unmarried) couple has been meeting with their lawyers in LA to divide up their assets. Whether any of this is true or it's just another rumor is unclear. According to a source that spoke with People, "everything is fine" between Jolie and Pitt, and the story of them splitting is "totally false." [NYDN, NYP, TMZ, People]
• The cast of MTV's most popular new show may not be back for another season. The kids from Jersey Shore reportedly turned down an offer which would have paid them each $5,000 per episode. MTV has since doubled its offer and informed them they'll replace the cast if they don't accept. In related news, the cast sparked a "near-riot" on Friday night when fans descended on a club in Montclair, New Jersey, to catch them in person. [TMZ, Us, NYDN]
• Diddy held a 1,000-person birthday party for his son, Justin, on Saturday night. The highlight of the evening—which was taped for an episode of MTV's Super Sweet Sixteen—was when Diddy gave his son what every 16-year-old needs: a $360,000 silver Maybach and a driver to go with it. [P6, NYDN]
Lady Gaga's Celebrity Fan Base Is Shrinking
cityfile · 01/21/10 11:04AM
Donald Trump and Barbara Walters are Lady Gaga fans? If they were, they may not be after attending last night's concert at Radio City: "When Gaga told the crowd that she wouldn't "go all the way" but would "suck [dick]," Donald and Melania Trump's weirdly smooth faces flashed on the huge screens looking shocked, strained and horrified. Equally not into Gaga's frequent X-rated banter? Barbara Walters who got up and split mid-show, right before Gaga sang her ballad 'Speechless.' Wawa no likey Gaga." [Paper]
Donald Trump Takes Up a New Cause
cityfile · 01/04/10 09:03AM
The New York Times asked a handful of prominent New Yorkers about what some of the city's "collective objectives" should be for the year ahead, causes that could unite New York in 2010 as we make an effort to "improve, change, and grow." As you probably could have expected, Donald Trump is taking up an issue of critical importance that you probably haven't given much thought to. Well, up until now, that is.
The Eternal Unhappiness of Melania Trump
cityfile · 12/18/09 01:07PM
A reader asks: "Why does Melania Trump look so unhappy all the time?" Good question! We'd never really noticed it before, but Donald Trump's third wife (and the mother of his fifth child) does look pretty miserable in most photos. Maybe this is to be expected when you realize that despite the lavish lifestyle you lead and all the material possessions you've accumulated, you're still married to Donald Trump? An attempt by the Slovenian-born ex-model to look sexy? We have no clue, but some photographic evidence of Melania's misery is below. And if you have something you'd like us to look into, feel free to let us know.
Tiger's Troubles; Alexa's Cry for Help
cityfile · 12/07/09 07:29AM
• Tiger Woods' mistress tally is quickly approaching the double digits. Jamie Jungers, a Las Vegas model, says she had a two-year affair with Woods; then there's Cori Rist, an aspiring model, who says she started seeing Woods after meeting him at Butter. To top it all off, porn star Holly Sampson has also been mentioned as a woman Woods was involved with, although she's yet to confirm or deny the report. Meanwhile, Queen Oprah thoughtfully reached out to Tiger over the weekend and offered him the opportunity to tell his side of the story, and that may be his best chance yet of somehow saving his rep at this point. [NYDN, E! NYDN]
• Alexa Joel, the daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, is recovering at home after what seems to have been a suicide attempt on Saturday. Joel took a bunch of homeopathic sleeping pills—possibly because she was upset over a break-up—and then called 911 herself. [NYP, NYDN, NYP]