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• Are Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie splitting up? That's what Britain's News of the World reported over the weekend, suggesting the (unmarried) couple has been meeting with their lawyers in LA to divide up their assets. Whether any of this is true or it's just another rumor is unclear. According to a source that spoke with People, "everything is fine" between Jolie and Pitt, and the story of them splitting is "totally false." [NYDN, NYP, TMZ, People]
• The cast of MTV's most popular new show may not be back for another season. The kids from Jersey Shore reportedly turned down an offer which would have paid them each $5,000 per episode. MTV has since doubled its offer and informed them they'll replace the cast if they don't accept. In related news, the cast sparked a "near-riot" on Friday night when fans descended on a club in Montclair, New Jersey, to catch them in person. [TMZ, Us, NYDN]
• Diddy held a 1,000-person birthday party for his son, Justin, on Saturday night. The highlight of the evening—which was taped for an episode of MTV's Super Sweet Sixteen—was when Diddy gave his son what every 16-year-old needs: a $360,000 silver Maybach and a driver to go with it. [P6, NYDN]

Conan O'Brien signed off as host of The Tonight Show on Friday by tearfully thanking NBC for his time there, reminding his viewers "not to get too cynical," and then busting his guitar to join Will Ferrell in a performance of "Freebird." [NYDN, Gawker, People]
• It looks like Tiger Woods has a lookalike at the sex rehab facility where photos of him were snapped last week. (Alas, the lookalike didn't bear much much resemblance to the famous golfer, so the paparazzi weren't thrown off for long.) In other Tiger news, it's been reported that Elin Nordegren paid a visit to the treatment center to participate in her cheating husband's "recovery." [TMZ, Radar, NYP, People]
• And then there were 15? Another Tiger Woods mistress was exposed over the weekend, a 42-year-old Brit who lives near Woods in Florida and was reportedly paid $500,000 to keep quiet about the affair. [DM]
Andy Dick got wasted and aggressively groped a couple of men at a West Virginia bar the other night. He's now facing two felony counts of sexual abuse, although Dick is "strongly denying" anything happened, which may be because he can't remember a thing. [TMZ, Us]
• Apparently the "showmance" between Tinsley Mortimer and Constantine Maroulis continues: The two were spotted "snuggling" at Sundance over the weekend. [NYDN]
Anna Wintour has written letters to the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission to try and prevent the construction of a new 8-story building that would obstruct the view from her private garden. Her letter called the new structure "inappropriate," "out-of-scale," and "unwelcome." [NYP]
• In her new book, Kelly Cutrone said she met with Donald Trump to talk about representing him years ago, but she ended up turning him down because he was good friends with alleged wife beater Mike Tyson. For his part, Trump says he's "never heard of the woman" and that "this conversation never took place." [P6]
George Clooney's Hope for Haiti telethon, which included performances by every celebrity alive, raised $57 million over the weekend. Even more impressive: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were in the same room together, as were exes Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz. [Us, People]
Susan Sarandon's alleged ping pong-loving boyfriend, Jonathan Bricklin, has a little secret himself: He's a married man. But not for long! He recently filed papers to divorce his wife, so hopefully he and Sarandon can finally go public with their love in the near future. [NYDN]
Kim Kardashian got a restraining order against one of her stalkers last week. And now her boyfriend Reggie Bush has reportedly hired her a posse of bodyguards to protect her. So use caution before you rush up to her and ask her for an autograph. [TMZ]
• Last week, Bristol Palin filed court documents seeking child support from her baby daddy, Levi Johnston. But Johnston's lawyer says the Playgirl poser did offer Bristol money in the past, but she never came by his house to pick up the checks. (Apparently, it was too much of an effort for Johnston to actually mail them.) Meanwhile, on Oprah, Bristol pledged she wouldn't have sex again before marriage, which is nice to hear. [TMZ, Us]
• The SAG awards were handed out on Saturday night, but don't worry if you missed them, because they were basically a repeat of the Golden Globes. Sandra Bullock won again for The Blind Side and other repeat winners included Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart), Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Basterds), Mo'Nique (Precious), Alec Baldwin (30 Rock), Michael C. Hall (Dexter), Juliana Margulies (The Good Wife), and the cast of Glee. [People, NYP]
• A LA judge has ruled that Roman Polanski must return to the US for sentencing in his 1978 sex case. But don't expect Polanski to be returning to American soil just yet. His lawyers are expected to appeal the decision. [NYT]
• The new guy Rihanna is dating—baseball player Matt Kemp—has a sketchy dating history, it seems. Kemp's ex was granted a temporary restraining order against him a couple of years ago because he was "verbally abusive and threatening." [TMZ]
• Embattled restaurateur Giuseppe Cipriani has hired Rudy Giuliani of all people to give him advice? That doesn't sound promising. [NYDN, 2nd item]
Venus Williams rocked yet another interesting outfit at the Australian Open over the weekend, which Venus described as one of her "best designs ever." Judge for yourself, please. [NYDN]
• As for Kanye West, he and girlfriend Amber Rose probably won't be invited to participate in a PETA campaign in the near future, judging by these pics of them in Paris. [Sun]
• The Black Eyed Peas were named best international group at France's music awards show, the NRJ Awards, over the weekend. But things got awkward when the presenters—a French producer named Kamel Ouali and pop singer Ke$ha—announced that, oops, they read the card wrong and the real winner was German band Tokio Hotel. [NYDN]
Gary Coleman can't catch a break. Coleman, who was hospitalized for a seizure earlier this month, was arrested yesterday on one count of domestic assault in connection with a previous warrant. [TMZ, NYP, NYDN]