
Americans Are Drinking Beer From Cans Now

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/13 08:37AM

Beer-swilling Americans, globally regarded as the very Platonic ideal of refinement and taste, are renowned for their refined palates. They certainly are not the type of people to sit around on the back bumper of a pickup truck and drink themselves senseless on literally any form of alcoholic liquid no matter how disgusting while ranting about unfavored sports teams. So it is newsworthy to report that this group of gourmets is now being enticed to drink their beer out of a humble can.

Hangovers Cost America About $1.90 Per Drink

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/06/13 03:15PM

Excessive drinking costs the American economy more than $220 billion a year, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which is enough to really make you need a drink.

Feds Say You're Drunk Driving At .05%

Ken Layne · 05/14/13 11:42AM

From the 21-year-old drinking age to the .08% blood alcohol level now recognized nationwide as evidence of being drunk, the threat of losing federal highway funds has kept America's states from straying on booze laws. So get ready for the .05% drunken driving conviction.

How to Drink Like a Gentleman: The Things to Do and the Things Not To, as Learned in 30 Years' Extensive Research

H.L. Mencken · 03/29/13 05:30PM

If the moral theologians in practice among us were engined by anything properly describable as apostolic zeal, they would be giving over a large part of their time, in these apocalyptic days, to teaching their catechumens how to drink. For it must be manifest that some such teaching is sorely needed in this great republic. Drinking with skill and taste is no more a natural art than love; either it must be learned by the onerous process of trial and error, or it must be taught. Plainly enough, the latter way is the better; but so far there is no sign that the guides appointed for gropers are ready to take it.

Going to College Reduces Your Chances of Being a Drunk

Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/13 11:24AM

People who are uneducated boors generally assume that college is little more than a four year-long fraternity party during which the main activity is drinking vast quantities of intoxicating liquor. That's not true at all; it takes many frat boys six years to finish college. Haha, but seriously folks, I'm not very drunk at all right now—thanks to college.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/08/13 02:43PM

New Mexico wants to ban people convicted of DUI from buying any alcohol, anywhere. Fine. As long as they don't ban guns.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/12 02:50PM

What can save a declining beer brand? Drunker customers.

Americans Are Drinking Beer Again

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/12 08:41AM

For three long, cold years, the hardworking men and women in the beer industry have had to hang their heads, in the knowledge that we Americans have been buying less, and less, and less beer, ever since 2008. Soda? Sure, we can't get enough of that sweet stuff. But beer? Good old-fashioned mass-produced alcoholic gut-swelling, cirrhosis-inducing beer? We just haven't been interested. Until now.

Let My People Get Drunk and Swim Naked in the Ocean

Cord Jefferson · 08/20/12 01:25PM

If any human right is inalienable, it is the right to get obliterated with your friends before running ass naked into the same waters in which Jesus once swam. Today, some awful people are trying to take away that right, and we mustn't let them.

Department of Health Reportedly Considering a Ban on Happy Hour (UPDATED)

Louis Peitzman · 04/29/12 12:27PM

The New York Post has a rather alarming (and alarmist) article on a potential happy hour ban in the city. They cite a lot of mysterious Department of Health sources, so it's difficult to confirm any of this — but when anyone suggests a serious threat to cheap drinking, panic is the appropriate response.

Notable Teen Uses Fake ID to Buy Alcohol

Louis Peitzman · 04/28/12 09:52AM

TMZ is breathless to tell you that The Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson "tricks grocery store into selling him whiskey." The up-and-comer, who plays Peeta in the film and its inevitable sequels, is only 19 and has thus probably never tasted alcohol before. What could have pushed him to such vile deceit?

Oh, Shut Up About New York City's Booze 'Crackdown'

Max Read · 01/11/12 04:00PM

Guys: Mayor Bloomberg does not want to take away your booze. Yes, the Health Department is considering a proposal to "curb excessive drinking" in New York City. (For this, the Post calls him a "party pooper," Animal NY calls him a hypocrite, and Gothamist calls him Nanny Bloomberg.") Yes, he thinks you probably drink too much. (To be fair: you do.) Yes, he's a sucky mayor. But he's not really doing anything here except that will make your life harder, unless you are an asshole (or, to be fair, in the employ of the booze business). Let's be clear about what the proposals actually are, according to the Post:

Your Partner Is Making You Binge-Drink

Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 03:10PM

After studying 208 unmarried couples and their drinking habits, researchers at Canada's Dalhousie University have discovered that the binge-drinking of one partner in a relationship often transfers to the other partner. Alcohol abuse is a contagious disease.

Have You Seen Herman Cain 'Drinking Like a Fish'?

Jim Newell · 11/30/11 01:51PM

Does Herman Cain just drink constantly on the campaign trail? We didn't hear much about this as he was becoming the frontrunner, but the faster he plummets, and the more his allies turn on him, the more delicious these stories should become! It's already starting.