
Doll Parts

Haber · 02/01/05 04:40PM

Our dorky sister site (which is currently being helmed by this site's former editor), points us towards a Drudge Report item that purports to prove that the GI kidnapped in Iraq is a doll.

Where Even Drudge Fears to Tread

Haber · 01/26/05 09:31AM

We understand why Matt Drudge chose to run this particular photo of Ted Turner: it scared the hell out of him. But wouldn't this photo disturb him even more?

C'mon, Bring Out The Animated Siren Graphic!

Jessica · 01/14/05 08:56AM

Now, if yesterday's Drudge is any indication, we can expect this image to grow slowly (but nonetheless exponentially) throughout the day, and we suspect blinking red text might be introduced by noon EST.
Drudge Report

End of The World According to Drudge

Andrew · 12/27/04 09:42AM

In the midst of the terrible tsunami tragedy in Asia, Matt Drudge reminds us that the Bible is a living, breathing document.