
Should We All Be Doing Inhalable Caffeine, or What?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/12 09:47AM

The FDA is going to investigate whether the "Aeroshot" canisters of inhalable caffeine are actually safe. When you hear about widely available and totally unregulated drugs like this that are available with absolutely no medical supervision whatsoever to any kid who wanders into a convenience store, it makes you ask: is that stuff any good?

Exercise Is the Only Fitness Option That Doesn't Make You Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/12 12:33PM

Good news for everyone out there who's been called a "meathead" or a "doofus" or a "Jersey boy" or a "oxbrain" or a "big dumb galoot" simply because you enjoy lifting weights at the gymnasium: modern research shows that all types of exercise "ward off a host of cognitive impairments and enhances brainpower all life long." Which is good, because everything else designed to prevent you from being fat will, sadly, also make you dumb.

The Hot New Drug Everyone Will Soon Be Freaking Out About

Danny Gold · 02/13/12 08:17PM

It's been a little while since people freaked out about a new drug that all the kids are supposedly doing, but it's time again to cue up the fearmongering articles. This one comes to us from the Daily Mail, which warns us about the hottest new drug in England, methoxetamine. Also know as MXE, it serves as a legal alternative to ketamine. Your kids are most likely doing it in the bathroom right now as you read this.

Lance Armstrong Investigation Dropped, Livestrong Bracelets Everywhere Rejoice

Molly Fitzpatrick · 02/04/12 05:02AM

Yesterday, the U.S. attorney's office put an end to a two-year investigation into Lance Armstrong's potential performance-enhancing drug use. After surviving testicular cancer, Armstrong won the Tour de France seven years in a row between 1999 and 2005 (or, as we called it in 2003, the Tour de Freedom).

A Guide to Workout Supplements That Probably Won't Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/12 03:41PM

The US Army has launched an investigation into workout supplements after two soldiers fell down and died from heart attacks after taking pre-workout boosters like Jack3d and OxyElite Pro, which contain DMAA, a no good very bad/ perfectly safe amphetamine that either gives you heart attacks or is totally innocuous, depending on who you ask.

Your Birth Control Pills Are Actually Helping to Impregnate You

Leah Beckmann · 02/01/12 10:35AM

Hey laaadies. As it turns out, those teeny little pills you were taking to ensure that no fetus found its way into your precious womb may actually have been conspiring against you, having the complete opposite effect. Pfizer has recalled over one million packets of birth control pills, varying in brand name and potency, due to a packaging error. A packaging error that helps you get pregnant, rather than prevents.

Ketamine Is the World's Dumbest Drug

Brian Moylan · 01/30/12 02:57PM

Since all things go in 20 year cycles, we're about to be inundated with all sorts of '90s nostalgia. While I'm all for ironically dancing to "Poison" and embracing M.C. Hammer harem pants, there is one relic from my good old days that needs to stay in the past: Special K.

Super Powerful Club Drug Cures Depression Instantly

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 11:23AM

Neuropsychiatric researchers say that although traditional antidepressants can take weeks to work, depressed patients who are given BANANAS 'PAUSE BUTTON ON YOUR BRAIN' K-HOLE-INDUCING CLUB DRUG KETAMINE A.K.A. SPECIAL K feel relief from their depression "almost instantly." But could huge shots of heroin combined with a baseball bat to the head be equally effective? Ketamine-receiving patients say [just stares at the wall].