
Become the King of Sunday Brunch with this Cheat Sheet

MTanzer · 11/11/12 11:40AM

Brunching with your best friends is supposed to be the best part of your sad and hopeless existence, but sometimes, doing Sunday brunch is hard work. You will surely have to wait in a very long line. After finally getting seated, you will be given terrible service because the restaurant is just way too busy. These two things make the meal very long and you might run out of things to talk about very quickly. Use this cheat sheet and your friends might start calling you queen bloody mary.

Hank The Cat, Charles Darwin, And "None Of These Candidates" All Had Strong Showings On Election Day

Barry Petchesky · 11/10/12 02:20PM

The knock on American politics is that we don't have a legitimate third party. Which isn't to say the Greens and Libertarians don't have some great ideas; it's just that the most they can hope for is to peel votes from the respective Big Two party with similar ideologies. But sometimes you want to throw your vote away, and you want to do it in an attention-grabbing manner. Here are three candidates who didn't win their races, but made a loud statement that the two guys ahead of them are awful.

Obama Effigy with the Words 'Pray 4 Assassin' Spotted in Alabama

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/09/12 07:15PM

According to the geography academics at Floating Sheep, the vast majority of racist tweets posted in the aftermath of President Obama's reelection came from Alabama, so it's of little surprise that a Dale County resident had few qualms about placing an Obama effigy on their front porch along with the sign "Pray 4 Assassin."

This Year Was a Blast It Went So Fast!!!: The 2011-12 Election Yearbook

Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/09/12 02:35PM

A presidential campaign is like senior year. It takes forever. You mentally check out about halfway through. Everyone gets sick of the jocks and the BMOC types. The hot women are all going out with exactly the WRONG guys. You eagerly anticipate never speaking to or hearing from almost all of these people ever again. And years later, everyone wakes up and realizes that the nerds secretly won.

Woman Who Called for 'Nigger' Obama's Assassination in Viral Facebook Post Confronted by News Crew, Is Officially the Worst Person in the World

Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/09/12 12:45PM

A California woman who gained overnight infamy after posting a Facebook status update expressing a desire to see President Obama — whom she referred to as "the nigger" — assassinated during his second term in office remained defiant despite losing her job at Cold Stone Creamery and being brought to the attention of the Secret Service.

Georgians Vote for 'My Neighbors Cat' and 'Burning Bag of Dogshit' over Anti-Science Congressman

Max Read · 11/09/12 10:58AM

As we wrote last night, dead Englishman Charles Darwin received some 4,000 write-in votes in the race for Georgia's tenth congressional district, owing to the anti-science statements of his, uh, opponent, Republican Rep. Paul Broun. But Darwin wasn't the only write-in candidate! Local Athens publication Flagpole has a list of all the write-in candidates. And basically every single one would make a better candidate than Paul Broun, including, for example, "ANY NON-INSANE INDIVIDUAL":

President Obama Breaks Down As He Tells Staff and Volunteers, 'I'm Really Proud of All of You'

Leah Beckmann · 11/09/12 01:29AM

On Wednesday night, the day after the president's re-election, Barack Obama paid a surprise visit to Chicago campaign headquarters. In the video, Obama is informal, uninhibited, and genuine as he thanks the staff and volunteers for their dedication and hard work. "It's not that you guys actually remind me of myself," he tells the group, "it's the fact that you are so much better than I was."

Charles Darwin Loses To Missing Link

Oscar Mitchell · 11/08/12 11:03PM

In a hotly contested Congressional race in Georgia, Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary thought, was unable to beat Republican Paul Broun. Darwin, well known for suggesting that men landed on earth after being deported from the Planet of the Apes, failed to unseat the incumbent, who campaigned on an anti-science platform, and at times refused to acknowledge that air existed, since he was unable to see it.