
Former Colin Powell Aide States the Obvious: 'My Party Is Full of Racists'

Jordan Sargent · 10/27/12 10:09AM

The GOP is pretty racist. I could list examples, but we'd be here for the rest of eternity. This week's particular "widely believed racist conspiracy that some old, white Republican was dumb enough to say in public" comes from Mitt Romney co-chair and ex-George H.W. Bush chief of staff John Sununu, who said that Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because Powell disagrees with Romney's foreign policy. Wait, no, it's because they're both black.

Man Auctions Off Part of His Face for Romney Tattoo, Gets $15,000

Taylor Berman · 10/26/12 07:04PM

On Wednesday, cool guy Eric Hartsburg auctioned off a 5-by-2 inch spot on the right side of his face for a Mitt Romney tattoo. The winning bid? $15,000, from an anonymous Republican eBay user. This means real estate on Hartsburg's face is worth $1,500 per square inch, which is pretty good considering the trio of lip piercings nearby.

The Tribal Menace of Colin Powell's Obama Endorsement

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/26/12 11:30AM

Did you hear? Colin Powell is racist. Maybe you heard that back in 2008, when it was a trope on right-wing blogs. But this week, Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, even though logically there could be no reason to. So, if unreason it was, then it must've been race madness.

Lena Dunham Makes a Sex Joke in Latest Obama Campaign Ad—Quick! Shield Your Young, Blossoming Daughter's Eyes!

Alyssa Bereznak · 10/25/12 08:13PM

The Obama campaign just released its latest video ad, featuring none other than Girls creator Lena Dunham. In the clip, she offers advice on "your first time," describing one's first foray into the voting booth the same way a young lady might describe losing her virginity. In other words, a cute sex joke! And guess what? Right-wing bloggers flipped out.

October Surprise! Donald Trump Reminds Us He's Worthless

Robert Kessler · 10/24/12 01:06PM

At long last, Donald Trump released his highly anticipated "October surprise" on YouTube today. Rumors were swirling for days about what the major announcement was going to be; the announcement that the animated toupe said was "bordering on gigantic."

The Gawker Endorsement: Mark Clayton for Senate

Max Read · 10/23/12 05:00PM

Here at Gawker.com, an influential Tennessee politics blog, we don't often endorse candidates. According to many medical studies, politicians are queer in the head and full of bile, and as longtime readers know, we do not consider the U.S. government legitimate since it abandoned the gold standard and put all whites up for collateral against foreign debt in 1933. (See our previous article, "Six Great Tips for Hiding the IRS Agent's Body.")