
If There's One Thing to Remember About the VP Debate, It's That Joe Biden Laughed His Way Through It

Kate Bennert · 10/12/12 02:50AM

According to Twitter, the vice presidential debate was entirely more lively than the first presidential debate. According to Joe Biden, the vice presidential debate was very funny—nay, hilarious. The current VP chuckled almost every time Paul Ryan opened his mouth. But who can blame him when Ryan changed his mind at least three times over the course of the debate, still could not produce numbers to back up his tax plan, and basically said that his reason for wanting to outlaw abortion is that his daughter once looked like a bean? Seriously.

The Ryan-Biden Debate: ‘Let’s Talk Powerpoints’ vs. ‘I’m Gonna Fuck You Up, Chief’

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/10/12 12:45PM

Deep down, probably all of us secretly wish that The Onion's version of Vice President Joe Biden were real. Perhaps it's all those gaffes talking—the combined weight of decades of gives-no-fuck moments leading to the suspicion that maybe this is a dude who would be willing to race you for the vice presidency because, face it, your IROC-Z is bullshit. The idea that any iteration of that dude might show up is what makes tomorrow night's vice presidential debate so potentially exciting.

Obama's Debate: What the Fuck Did You Expect?

Mobutu Sese Seko · 10/05/12 09:35AM

After spending five years watching a diffident political compromiser campaign for and occupy the White House, Democrats were still shocked that Wednesday's debate didn't reveal Barack Obama: Political Nut-Cutter.