
Hillary and Bernie Are Neck-to-Neck in Michigan

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/08/16 10:08PM

The race is still too close to call for Hillary or Bernie in the Michigan Democratic primary, where Donald Trump earlier tonight cruised to an easy win.

Look At These Insane Internal Maps Outlining How Michael Bloomberg Could Become President

Jordan Sargent · 03/07/16 06:35PM

Michael Bloomberg is not running for president, he announced this afternoon. “Uh, o....kay?” you might say in response, but all reports indicated that Bloomberg was seriously considering running for president. He even commissioned a consulting firm to produce maps outlining his path to the White House, which have now been obtained by the New York Times. What the firm came up with has less of a basis in reality than even the most absurd thing that has ever occurred on House of Cards.

Ted Cruz, Please Help Us, We Have No Idea How to Stop Donald Trump

Sam Biddle · 03/07/16 11:38AM

Ted Cruz has a new theory: the American political media is in possession of “bombshell” stories about Donald Trump that could ruin him, but are choosing to not publish them for some reason. Ted, I’m here to tell you: we’ve got nothing, and we’re all really fucking freaked out about it.

Ben Carson Has Officially Dropped Out

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/04/16 05:31PM

Ben Carson has finally admitted defeat, announcing Friday that he’ll abandon his presidential campaign to take a job with a Christian group dedicated to getting out the vote.

Donald Trump Was Set Up

Alex Pareene · 03/03/16 11:51PM

The word came in from our best-sourced Fox News Kremlinologists: Fox News had settled for Donald Trump. Roger Ailes had given up on the hapless Marco Rubio. Megyn Kelly was sounding conciliatory, granting that Trump appeared more and more presidential. Rupert Murdoch himself tweeted that the party would be “mad not to unify” around nominee Donald Trump. It worked: Donald Trump arrived, unsuspecting, for his ambush.

Fox News Is Finally Submitting to Donald Trump

Jordan Sargent · 03/03/16 08:05PM

In about an hour, Donald Trump will step onto the debate stage in Detroit to loud applause and howling cheers. He will be the clear frontrunner and presumed nominee among the four Republicans onstage. He will also be admitting a mistake, even if tacitly so.

Here's Just Five Minutes of Donald Trump's Rambling, Endless Attack on Mitt Romney

Jordan Sargent · 03/03/16 03:58PM

The video above is about five minutes worth of a glorified roast that lasted something like a half-hour and featured digression after digression—like, for example, an informal poll on who will be a better host of the The Apprentice, Trump or his handpicked successor Arnold Schwarzenegger, whom Trump also decided to indirectly humiliate in front of his audience, despite his being, you know, Trump’s handpicked successor.

Republicans Will Fall in Line

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/16 02:10PM

Right now, the “Republican establishment” is busy wringing its hands over what can be done to stop Donald Trump. Do not be deceived. When the time comes, they will all fall in line with Donald Trump.

The Republican Establishment Is Beginning to Plot the Anti-Trump Coup

Jordan Sargent · 03/02/16 01:11PM

Republicans are no longer in denial over Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of their party; how could they be? They are certainly angry—how could they not be?—but after Trump rolled through Super Tuesday practically unabated, the GOP establishment has entered the third stage of grief: bargaining.